Real estate has been a dream of mine for the last few years. When I was in highschool I took an economics course which was without a doubt the most important class I ever took.The course explained things like the power of compounding interests and the differences between assets and liabilities, and sparked a curiousity about the machinations...
Multifamily owner. Purchased first apartment complex in 2016. General or Limited Partner in 478 units in Tennessee, South Carolina and Indiana.
Part time house flipper to generate income for multifamily syndications. Multifamily meetup host in Knoxville, TN. Passionate about apartment building ownership as an investment opportunity and...
I recently graduated college and fell into a full time job at Fideltiy. I am very interested in saving my money to try my hand at flipping a few houses in 2014. I have another friend at RBS who will be my partner and has similar experience/goals.