I am a CPA from Orange, TX that has always been intrigued with the real estate industry and how it is a great vehicle for those looking to accumulate both wealth and financial freedom.
I have listened to the Bigger Pockets podcast and have read numerous blog posts in the last 2 years while I worked and dished out countless tax...
Multi-asset class investor. Focus on the details of the deal vs. focusing on a single class. Looking to maximize cash flow with an eye for buying value properties that will appreciate over time due to proximity of future development.
I am a licensed REALTOR®. I am currently jumping into the investing side of real estate so I would like to connect with a few partners and possibly get a team going.
I am a licensed REALTOR®. I have been working with buyers, sellers and investors. I have partnered with different loan officers, attorneys as well as...
Investing for 13+ years. Own portfolio of Single Family in Phoenix and Albuquerque. Doing flips in Los Angeles. Accredited investor that invests in self storage facilities, apartments, mobile home parks, and retail shopping centers. Performing and Non Performing Notes. Gap Funding. Luxury development, apartment development.
Just finished our first rehab and it was exciting and profitable and looking for more - we joined the 100k profit club!
How can I help you? If you need a realtor in Maryland (www.hocoinvestmentrealtor.com) OR an SD-IRA specialist anywhere across the US to walk you through the process (www.hebbainvestments.com) you can contact me
Real estate investor focused on adaptive reuse of historic properties.
Stay The Nite: Come stay in one of our four units at the Fife House in Old City, Philadelphia: bit.ly/thefifehouse
I currently work in a retail type environment for a cable provider. I am really looking to start building wealth and get myself out of the rat race and doing something that I enjoy.
I work full time running an engineering organization here in Los Angeles while my wife is a full time dentist. Both of us are looking to build wealth and income for our family through real estate investing. We're eager learners that are fascinated with real estate but haven't had the courage or understanding to take the plunge.