Andrew Jones
Advice on facing eviction in CA
4 September 2018 | 4 replies
I responded with an apology, promise that they would promptly receive the check (it had actually been ready to go for over a week, but our schedules never lined up for me to give it to them, and our neighborhood has seen mail and package theft), but I also included a list of things I wanted them to fix.
AJ Brown
Atlanta Section 8 Questions
15 November 2019 | 7 replies
You shouldn't have to do this - though I found it very helpful and informative.My PM only operates in a few select neighborhoods so don't think they would work for you.
Andrew Caldieraro
How do YOU value a property ?
5 September 2018 | 3 replies
Also make sure you buy in the right neighborhood.
Matt Kinser
Estate and Probate in AZ (West Valley)
5 September 2018 | 2 replies
For newspaper select The Record Reporter.
Early Keegs
Sell or Rent?! Help me analyze
5 September 2018 | 1 reply
It is a single family (3 bed, 2 bath) built in 2013, in a great neighborhood close to a military installation.I owe $139,000 and the house appraises for $169,000.
Curtis Shotliff
Boot from Fairmont, MN
6 September 2018 | 2 replies
Hey @Curtis Shotliff,My spouse got on board after we found a duplex in an A+ neighborhood.
John Jensen
How to find small apartment complex in Pittsburgh
6 September 2018 | 3 replies
I've got a decent idea on the neighborhoods I would like to invest in but any advice on areas to absolutely stay away from?
Justin H.
Young, Dumb, and Broke
9 September 2018 | 2 replies
Most, if not all people who buy out of state and have a bad experience can eliminate or greatly reduce their bad experiences investing out of state by doing the following Don't buy in the roughest neighborhood in the urban core.
Maria Luna
Investing out of state
8 October 2018 | 44 replies
I seen this prices in C type neighborhoods in Jax.
Kfir Azoulay
Question about "The Rules" of Investment Property
5 September 2018 | 4 replies
If I can get close to that on a house in a decent neighborhood, appreciation will be the bulk of the wealth-building over time anyway, but your area may be different.