Jason Arcuri
2 Family overlooking the ocean Airbnb/rental mix
12 November 2020 | 4 replies
Doing new roof, siding, hvac, just about everything What was the outcome?
Adrien Salvador
3rd Property closed in 6 months using my Mother's FHA Loan
24 October 2020 | 6 replies
:D What was the outcome?
Brian Christopherson
Best house in the worst neighborhood
27 October 2020 | 3 replies
We improved this one greatly over the years.. really to much. when we went to sell it a few years ago what I wanted for it and what the market would support were not the same thing. so we refinanced it off my VA and into a conventional cash out loan and turned it into a rental. we will likely sell it within our 5 year window, but we'll see. its currently cash flowing about $500 a month What was the outcome?
Tyler Casey
The Office Hack to Reduce Operating Expenses
23 October 2020 | 0 replies
What was the outcome?