Karla Strasser
Foundation problem on inner stem wall
15 November 2018 | 3 replies
Could include other things like waterproofing.
Chandra Minter
Advice On Purchasing a 50 Property Portfolio with OPM
23 November 2018 | 15 replies
I have a couple of private investors however their lending ability combined would not meet the down payment requirement.The question I'm submitting to the forum is, how can I structure creative financing for this deal including the down payment?
Tiffany Milan
Looking for an REI mentor from NJ or nearby
13 December 2018 | 2 replies
Hey we host a meet up in Staten Island and most of us, including me own property in New Jersey.
MarcAnthony Bonanno
Future CT Lawyer/Wanna be Real Estate Investor
20 November 2018 | 18 replies
I would never be opposed to using any of the processes you mentioned above, including the short-term financing, rehab, and then refinance into a conventional loan, but I would want to wait until after my first go around.
Peter Hynes
New Real Estate Investors - What Entity?
14 December 2018 | 13 replies
Assets can include real estate (residential and commercial properties), promissory notes, and ownership interests in partnerships.
Jeremy A.
fair market rent on 1st comm spaces
28 November 2018 | 5 replies
Its my first potential commercial renter.need some averages or source for averages.1st floor, 2 office space, with half bath, kitchenette, on main st small town, with heat, water, electric included.modern 850 sqft office with 1000 sqft dry basement. parking, plowing, etc included. local realtor said all utilities incld avg on busiest road is $13-14 sqft.how accurate is website reonomy?
Account Closed
any investors from Philadelphia ?
15 November 2018 | 2 replies
Cash flow is easier to achieve in West Philly, including Cobbs Creek. 2.
Lyle Cooper
Approval process for Manhattan condo rental
15 November 2018 | 1 reply
If there's no additional credit check fee for both the applicant and guarantor, then it's included and so it would actually be on the low side.
Brian Ellis
Should I lower the rent?
19 November 2018 | 69 replies
Size, neighborhood, what's included with the property, updates etc.