Wendy Black
Where to order holiday greeting cards?
18 November 2015 | 4 replies
Can anyone suggest where this can be done economically?
Tom Olson
Bubble Market? I think not!
19 November 2015 | 2 replies
It does not always follow economic data- and certainly not the stock market.
Leigh C
What would you need to rent this for to justify investment 850k
18 November 2015 | 7 replies
I would look for an area that has good economic job prospects but a shortage of housing.
J. Martin
There is no housing buble (in most areas..). Surprising Volatiliy
18 November 2015 | 4 replies
http://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/publications/economic-letter/2015/november/what-is-different-about-latest-housing-boom-mortgage-debt-ratio/I was curious that house price/rent was used in the graph below, rather than housing affordability - to me, that has a lot to do with the sustainability of the market.
Kat Rich
Stuck on Step 2- What is the best way to get set up for success?
18 November 2015 | 6 replies
I'm semi-familiar with the city as far as socio-economic areas.
Paul Smythe
Who produces the best market reports in Commercial Real Estate?
22 February 2018 | 5 replies
We use Reis and CoStar for the market data that goes into our packages, but its expensive not economical if you're just looking to keep up on the market.
Francis A.
Renting in Orange County, California
19 November 2015 | 2 replies
http://www.ocregister.com/lansner/rent-687937-percent-reis.html“Axiometrics and Real Answers both reported that Orange County rent hikes averaged nearly 7 percent a year this past spring, boosted by rising employment and a continued economic recovery.Vacancy rates also remain low, ranging across the three surveys from 2.8 percent to 5.1 percent.Real estate agents reported seeing bidding wars among renters this year.
Kyle Patrick
Identifying Positive Trends When Buying Non Local
30 November 2015 | 12 replies
Beyond that, depending on the city, many lenders and economic agencies publish regular data as well as trade journals and apartment associations.
Angela Justis
Best flooring for covered porch that DOES get wet
22 March 2016 | 6 replies
So, the material I need will need to be sun, water, and scratch resistant but economical.
Collette Scott
10 June 2016 | 23 replies
Everything else, including investing in a fund, requires a certain amount of "active", at a minimum doing enough research to decide if and how much to invest in the fund, monitoring the fund's performance, economic climate, future prospects and deciding if and when to sell.Some people consider investing in individual trust deeds /mortgages passive investing.