13 August 2015 | 6 replies
. -- 3780 sq ft 2 story office building (office was previous use)-- Built appx 1900 -- think it's brick, or block with some sort of facade, possibly limestone as that is common in the area -- has a basement as well with partial crawl space -- good soil in the area-- Appears to be structurally sound - no issues - however needs further investigation, the floor joists are likely large old world pine/oak or other hardwoods shipped in so they should be good as long as no previous termite damage/dry rot-- Basement professionally waterproofed 15 years ago - should be no water issues, we've had lots of rain locally (more than we've had in likely 10-15 years) and basement supposedly has not leaked, think it's limestone/concrete -- Building also surrounded by Concrete -- water should not be an issue-- Per agent this week there will be a new roof put on (Flat Roof) at a cost of $17k-- Asking price $60k-- Has been occupied by an accounting firm for I believe 40-50 years - they owned the building and have left as they merged with another local accounting firm and moved to another building-- Dated inside -- lots of paneling, probably dim lighting, HVAC is kind of dated****************************Potential Downsides/Other Pertinent info-- Likely will have low or nearly non existent price appreciation, other than upgrades I'd put in -- I probably wouldnt factor it in any of my figures-- Lots of ranching/agricultural, oil/gas, wind energy activity around - city has the closest major grocery store/Wal Mart to lots of people located in more rural areas within a 1-2hour driving distance -- town is important for that aspect-- Located in a small community - town has appx 12-15k people, however it is a bedroom community located off of a VERY well maintained interstate and it's only 20-30 mins drive from the City I live in that has 500k people -- The city is a good "Clean" town if that makes sense, very nice community gym close by-- Building is on the downtown core - right off of one main arterial and 1 block from the other -- no plans in the future to alter traffic flow etc --- Lots of money has been put in by the city/local govt to maintain the downtown area and make it a very nice walkable area - with lots of little shops, antique places, a couple cafes etc -- A local company in the refining business recently moved the majority of their business there from Wichita and has put a lot of money into this community -- large donations to the college and elsewhere (they make additives and are a nationally known brand -- have been around since the 70's - only way they go down is if we go away from the internal combustion engine - dont see that happening in the time I'd own the building)

16 November 2015 | 22 replies
l will do that...need to get out of rat race...hour and half traffic driving me nuts!!!

25 September 2015 | 12 replies
Zillow and Trulia bring in more online traffic.

30 December 2015 | 4 replies
A good realtor is essential to creating foot traffic through your home, but some realtors are lazy even if they are getting paid a full 3%.

29 February 2016 | 1 reply
If there is carpet in the main traffic areas, I would budget for $1,500 in carpet every 3 years.

18 May 2015 | 9 replies
I don't buy condos, but if I were, it would be something I would try to find out, when researching the building and it would keep me from buying, as that would bring out too much unknown traffic.

5 June 2015 | 7 replies
Majority of it’s saved.Living with parents in SoCalGoal Move out of parents’ houseBuy a property close to work (30min in traffic to Downtown LA) Target area: Pasadena, San Gabriel Valley (A neighborhood for safety reasons)Price range $300K~ $400K for 2bd condoAction Budget expenses to save more money for 20% down paymentCreated a spreadsheet and figured I could save $1000 per paycheck, $2000 per monthCreated a spreadsheet to project my savingsTimeSpring 2010SituationOwn more than $80K in the savingsGoalPurchase target condo in Pasadena (short sale, some repairs needed)Action Made spreadsheet to find out if I can afford the condo and the repairs neededProceeded to offer and eventually got the condo with 20% downReceived 1st time home buyer credit, $8000 from fed, $1000/3 years from state House Down payment $71,800 House Price $359,000 Loan $287,200 % Down Payment 20.0 Loan Term (Year) 30 Loan Interest Rate 5.25 Monthly Payment $1,586 TimeMay 2010 – Jan 2014Situation The majority of my paycheck is tied up in the houseFrequent plumbing problems including leaky toilet from upstairs unitHOA reserve is underfundedCondo hacked by renting out spare bedroom at $900/moGoalUpgrade to a more effective investment propertyAction Fixed up condo with credits receivedPut in new flooringSold condo at $428K, cashed out with a total of $200KPurchased SFR in the suburbs (Pomona) and leased it out for $500/mo Free Cash FlowLeft with $80K in the savings and growing at $3400/mon.Now looking for another investment propertyLessons Learned My parent's education fund for me gave me a kick start.

21 December 2017 | 24 replies
With the traffic in this town, everything that I could afford would be an 1hr+ commute each way, which I don't want to do.Invest long distance: I am familiar with my small town's real estate market.

21 February 2014 | 8 replies
You are very isolated and their isn't any major roads to carry truck traffic, I don't think the maquiladora is that great there.

16 October 2010 | 31 replies
I have mine priced consistent with recent comps, and its getting traffic, but its not getting any offers.