Marc Winter
Never a better time to invest in Scranton PA!
30 July 2019 | 5 replies
You busted the machine.
Ronald Starusnak
Investing in Syracuse | DON'T BE A SLUMLORD.
13 January 2021 | 16 replies
We use our little real estate machine every day, in 2020 we purchase 50+ units, mostly single family and some 2-family.
Dustin Mathenia
Bitcoin I know it's not real estate but we must discuss
16 November 2020 | 54 replies
I'm sure if I tried to turn my 8.50$ worth of bitcoin back to cash I'd end up owing the machine money lol
Matt H
How to get started from nothing - my essay...
2 July 2007 | 17 replies
-Get a “buy and sell paper” and find someone who's selling a cheap used fax machine if you don't already have one, or can't afford to by a new one.
Renae Bliss
Newbie investor/licensed agent needs ENCOURAGING & POSITIVE advice
17 March 2012 | 22 replies
The guy who had been doing the roadside assistance was going back to a training program for high-tech machining.
Joshua Dorkin
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Responds to Housing Proposal
12 February 2009 | 1 reply
Finally someone in DC is listening to some of us.Maybe they would learn that some of us peasants might know how to deal with what is going on than the political machine running this country.
Adam Zach
How Many RE Investors are Engineers?
28 April 2022 | 684 replies
I work in machine learning and data science.
Ernesto Hernandez
Massive Passive Income Creator - David Lindahl
19 January 2018 | 0 replies
Do a little negotiating, sign offer all over a fax machine.
Andrew Neal
Anyone Airbnb in North Lake Tahoe?
3 June 2021 | 30 replies
I'd charge ~$1000 a slot for Jan-May (8-10 people), then short term the rest of the time.I wouldn't self manage, so I get the point on unique, well designed, charming places being a priority.
Denise Uhrin
Rental Property Investing in Baltimore, MD
16 November 2021 | 20 replies
The class is entitled 'The Real Estate Rental Cash Machine' and is sponsored by BREIA (Baltimore Real Estate Investors Association).