3 March 2021 | 64 replies
We need a vaccine for complaining.

5 April 2022 | 186 replies
But we all know the future of NYC rests with vaccines.

9 October 2020 | 178 replies
This virus will end and another one will emerge, but there is no vaccine for what is coming to the world's economy.

12 July 2021 | 138 replies
Economy goes mostly on hold until treatments and eventually vaccines become online.

16 May 2020 | 156 replies
And it all has to do with local jobs and vacationers.If we pressume no vaccine will arrive before Q2 or Q3 2021 at the earliest and government imposed social distancing constraints combined with a reluctance by some folks to not want to re-engage in crowded activities - it all translates to a sizable reduction in visitors / revenue.

8 March 2021 | 8 replies
Plus, the vaccine is getting rolled out which will curb the spread tremendously.

29 April 2022 | 17 replies
The dog should have their rabies vaccinations complete.Any input would be great!

21 March 2020 | 108 replies
If we look at last year's deaths"2019 Flu Season: Up to 19,000 People Have Died; Vaccine Protecting About Half Who Get It" By Ron Brackett February 17 2019 04:34 PM EST weather.com"and compare what we now have 2020 Florida reports 2 dead from coronavirus, first known fatalities on East Coast By Caleb Parke | Fox News"The announcement raises the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus strain to at least 16, including 13 in the state of Washington and one in California, with at least 253 confirmed cases across the country."

13 April 2020 | 69 replies
But how can you assume a “Spike” and not assume a solution, a vaccine, a DATE when all this will be over.

9 April 2020 | 16 replies
Only solution will be a vaccine, but I don't think that will beat peoples need to be social and of course their need for income.