13 July 2021 | 20 replies
The other applicants may have lied to you because they want to gain an edge.

13 July 2021 | 4 replies
Personally I'd go with your gut feeling if the communication is "lacking" from the start, unresponsive on phone calls/texts/emails, or they don't fill out the application in a timely manner.

14 July 2021 | 5 replies
Propstream is a great web-based software that provides lists with property owners names and information.

2 August 2021 | 8 replies
Look for software developers who will make you a fast website.

7 July 2021 | 1 reply
For rent accruing on August 1, 2021,or thereafter, and unless an exception or other state law allows for eviction, landlords areprohibited from serving or enforcing, or threatening to serve or enforce, any notice requiringa tenant to vacate any dwelling, including but not limited to an eviction notice, notice to payor vacate, unlawful detainer summons or complaint, notice of termination of rental, or noticeto comply or vacate, if, unless otherwise permitted by this order or under state law, a tenanthas (1) made full payment of rent; or (2) made a partial payment of rent based on theirindividual economic circumstances as negotiated with the landlord; or (3) has a pendingapplication for rental assistance that has not been fully processed; or (4) resides in ajurisdiction in which the rental assistance program is anticipating receipt of additional rentalassistance resources but has not yet started their program or the rental assistance program isnot yet accepting new applications for assistance.o There is a presumption that any rent payment made on or after August 1, 2021, isapplied to current rent before applying toward arrears.o A landlord is not required to accept partial payment of rent but is required to offer atenant a reasonable repayment plan under this order and pursuant to Section 4 ofE2SSB 5160.o A rental assistance program is authorized to share the application status of a tenantwith the tenant’s landlord.https://www.governor.wa.gov/si...

1 August 2021 | 3 replies
What if, the experience that the new investor gained over time by educating himself gave him the ability to find deals in apartment buildings but still never physically experienced it and one day he decides to connect with the type of people that could make this project come together, like a general contractor, property management, real estate attorney, real estate broker, CPA, and a private lender but know in the middle of the loan application he lacks having a track record.
7 July 2021 | 2 replies
Applicable only to SFR or 1-4 unit maybe?

14 July 2021 | 4 replies
Think about the qualifiers that most applicants fail to meet and then focus on those.

14 July 2021 | 6 replies
Is this rule still applicable in a crazy market environment like we are in right now.

8 July 2021 | 1 reply
So I am in the process of closing my first house and unfortunately lender made a mistake in my application and we are now delayed by 3 working days.