19 August 2019 | 72 replies
It's in a death spiral.7.
28 October 2016 | 4 replies
RevocationCompletion NoticeCondominiumConsentContractReimbursement ContractSeperation ContractSewer ContractContract AddendumContract AssignmentContract ModificationCorrectionCovenantUtility Service CovenantCovenants, Conditions & RestrictionsCovenants, Conditions & Restrictions AmendmentCovenants, Conditions, & Restrictions ModificationCovenants, Conditions & Restrictions ReleaseRequest for Access/CopyRequest for Disclosure of DischargeRequest for Exemption from Public DisclosureDeath CertificateDeclarationHomestead DeclarationHomestead Declaration AbandonmentDecreeDedicationDeedDeed of ReconveyanceTransfer on Death DeedDeed of TrustDeed of Trust AddendumDefaultDischargeDisclaimerDiscontinuanceNotice of DiscontinuanceNotice of Discontinuance of Trustee's SaleDissolutionDivorceEarnest Money AgreementEasementLandscape EasementSewer EasementSidewalk EasementWater EasementEasement AmendmentEasement AssignmentEasement Partial ReleaseEasement ReleaseEasement VacationEstoppel CertificateExecutionExtensionFederal Tax LienFederal Tax Lien AmendedFederal Tax Lien Non-AttachmentFederal Tax Lien Partial SatisfactionFederal Tax Lien RefileFederal Tax Lien RevocationFederal Tax Lien Revocation of ReleaseFederal Tax Lien SatisfactionFederal Tax Lien SubordinationFederal Tax Lien WithdrawalFindings of FactFirst Right of RefusalFixture Filing = UCC-Uniform Commercial CodeUCC AmendmentUCC AssignmentUCC ContinuationUCC Partial AssignmentUCC Partial ReleaseUCC TerminationForeclosureNotice of ForeclosureForest LandForest Land ReleaseForfeitureGoing Out of Business SaleHazardous Substances CertificateHistorical RegistrationHomestead DeclarationHomestead Declaration AbandonmentIndemnificationIndentureSupplemental IndentureIntent to LienInterlocal AgreementJudgmentLand UseLandscape EasementLeaseMemorandum of Lease = LeaseLease AddendumLease OptionLease ReleaseLease RenewalLetterLicenseLienChattel LienFederal Tax LienLien Amendment Support EnforcementLien SearchLien Support EnforcementLighting Utility DistrictLis PendensLis Pendens ReleaseLoan Modification = ModificationMaintenance AgreementMarriageMarriage ApplicationMarriage CertificateMemorandumMemorandum of Lease = LeaseMemorandum of UnderstandingMergerMineral ClaimMining ClaimMiscellaneous DocumentMitigation CreditsModificationContract ModificationCovenants, Conditions, & Restrictions ModificationLoan Modification = ModificationModification of Deed of Trust = ModificationMoratoriumMortgageMortgage ModificationMulti DocName ChangeNon-DisturbanceNoticeCompletion NoticeNotice of ContinuanceNotice of CureNotice of DefaultNotice of DiscontinuanceNotice of Discontinuance of Trustee's SaleNotice of ForeclosureNotice of Intent to ForfeitNotice of Intent to Forfeit AmendedNotice of Trustee's SaleNotice of Trustee's Sale AmendmentNuptial AgreementOpen SpaceOptionLease OptionOrderOrdinancePartial AssignmentUCC Partial AssignmentPartial Assignment of Deed of TrustPartial ReconveyancePartial ReleaseEasement Partial ReleasePower of Attorney Partial RevocationUCC Partial ReleasePartial SatisfactionFederal Tax Lien Partial SatisfactionPartial Satisfaction of Lien Support EnfPartnership AgreementPatentPayment of Inheritance TaxPermitPlatPlat AmendmentPower of AttorneyPower of Attorney Partial RevocationPower of Attorney RevocationProcess Server FeesProclamationPromissory NoteReconveyanceRedemptionRedemption ReleaseReimbursement ContractReimbursement Contract SatisfactionReinstatementReleaseCovenants, Conditions & Restrictions ReleaseEasement ReleaseFederal Tax Lien Revocation of ReleaseForest Land ReleaseLease ReleaseLis Pendens ReleaseRedemption ReleaseRelease of Attorney LienRelease of Inheritance TaxRelease of Lien BondRelinquishmentRemovalRemoval from Real PropertyRemoval of Condominium statusRequestRequest for Access/CopyRequest for Disclosure of DischargeRequest for Exemption from Public DisclosureRequest for NoticeRequest for ReconveyanceRescissionResignationResignation & AppointmentResignation of TrusteeResolutionRetentionRevocationCommunity Prop.

1 December 2016 | 4 replies
You'll also want to plan for things like death, bankruptcy, excess damage done by one of the parties...You'll also want to think about future generations, and getting split up down the road, or how it could be sold to someone else if someone gets in trouble and forced to liquidate and the remaining partners can't pick up the balance.

1 November 2016 | 2 replies
Just curious as I have an investor buddy that just had the scenario posed to him by the sellers (it was due to a death in their family is the reason they are wanting to do this).

3 November 2016 | 5 replies
The effect of owning real estate as joint tenants with the right of surviorship (rather than as tenants in common) is that, upon the death of one joint tenant, his or her interest in real estate passes, by operation of law, to the surviving joint tenant or tenants.Option 2: Tenant in Common: Share a specified proportion of ownership rights in real property and upon the death of a tenant in common, that share is transferred to the estate of the deceased tenant.Option 3: Tenants by the Entirety with teh Right of Survivorship: If a married couple wishes to own property jointly, they may take title as "tenants by the entirety with the right of survivorship."

10 November 2016 | 6 replies
In Florida does a landlord have to disclose to the tenant that there was a death in the house previously?

17 November 2016 | 6 replies
Anyone have experience with oil tank who is leaking and if it's worth to buy a house death have a oil leak and how much we can negotiate me the bank for that

20 November 2016 | 7 replies
Sai Toll Normally I wouldn't mind as much but there are other factors which would not only affect myself.

20 December 2016 | 18 replies
Yes there is a $60 (Co-pay) each time you have someone come out, but .....when the tenant calls you because there is water leaking through her ceiling at 3:30am it is refreshing to know I have ONE toll free number to call, and they send someone out to fix the problem.....no scrambling to jump on the internet or phone book while dealing with a panicky tenant.

9 January 2017 | 8 replies
Finally, in cases where it is not possible to provide documentation or witnesses as to your father's intent to will the property to you, then Georgia law requires 20 years (after your father's death) before you can acquire title to the property via adverse possession.