3 June 2014 | 29 replies
But pre-2008, most foreclosures were due to the 5 D's - Death, Disease, Divorce, Drugs, and Denial - where people end up in a situation where they are losing their home, rather than just being underwater and walking away.

27 July 2014 | 10 replies
@Gautam Venkatesan ,When you inherit something it is at the Fair Market Value ont he date of death.In other words if something has appreciated because it was purchased at say 60k 50 years ago and is now work 700k, the person that in herits it would use the value on the date of death.

6 August 2014 | 8 replies
I've been reading about the death of Google Voice for 2+ years now.

15 August 2020 | 192 replies
@Katie MillerAs always another cost item even if you are a pro member.I feel I’m being nickel & dimed to death....
3 May 2021 | 37 replies
Unfortunately, the downturn in the area due to the fallout of the lumber industry has taken a huge toll on the local employment market.

21 September 2023 | 2 replies
Or if my wife was tired of the business and just wanted to sale at my death.

11 April 2016 | 3 replies
They would need to file and Affidavit Death of Joint Tenant with an original Death Certificate with the county.

10 October 2016 | 10 replies
Business entity - probably LLC - with a well written operating agreement that governs each parties' rights and obligations, management authority, spells out how money is spent and distributed, dictates how decisions are made and what type of consent is necessary for different types of decisions, includes buy-sell provisions in the event of a dispute, death, divorce or disability, etc. etc. etc. if you decide to own it individually as tenants in common, you need a property management and ownership agreement that addresses similar issues outlined above.

19 August 2019 | 72 replies
It's in a death spiral.7.
28 October 2016 | 4 replies
RevocationCompletion NoticeCondominiumConsentContractReimbursement ContractSeperation ContractSewer ContractContract AddendumContract AssignmentContract ModificationCorrectionCovenantUtility Service CovenantCovenants, Conditions & RestrictionsCovenants, Conditions & Restrictions AmendmentCovenants, Conditions, & Restrictions ModificationCovenants, Conditions & Restrictions ReleaseRequest for Access/CopyRequest for Disclosure of DischargeRequest for Exemption from Public DisclosureDeath CertificateDeclarationHomestead DeclarationHomestead Declaration AbandonmentDecreeDedicationDeedDeed of ReconveyanceTransfer on Death DeedDeed of TrustDeed of Trust AddendumDefaultDischargeDisclaimerDiscontinuanceNotice of DiscontinuanceNotice of Discontinuance of Trustee's SaleDissolutionDivorceEarnest Money AgreementEasementLandscape EasementSewer EasementSidewalk EasementWater EasementEasement AmendmentEasement AssignmentEasement Partial ReleaseEasement ReleaseEasement VacationEstoppel CertificateExecutionExtensionFederal Tax LienFederal Tax Lien AmendedFederal Tax Lien Non-AttachmentFederal Tax Lien Partial SatisfactionFederal Tax Lien RefileFederal Tax Lien RevocationFederal Tax Lien Revocation of ReleaseFederal Tax Lien SatisfactionFederal Tax Lien SubordinationFederal Tax Lien WithdrawalFindings of FactFirst Right of RefusalFixture Filing = UCC-Uniform Commercial CodeUCC AmendmentUCC AssignmentUCC ContinuationUCC Partial AssignmentUCC Partial ReleaseUCC TerminationForeclosureNotice of ForeclosureForest LandForest Land ReleaseForfeitureGoing Out of Business SaleHazardous Substances CertificateHistorical RegistrationHomestead DeclarationHomestead Declaration AbandonmentIndemnificationIndentureSupplemental IndentureIntent to LienInterlocal AgreementJudgmentLand UseLandscape EasementLeaseMemorandum of Lease = LeaseLease AddendumLease OptionLease ReleaseLease RenewalLetterLicenseLienChattel LienFederal Tax LienLien Amendment Support EnforcementLien SearchLien Support EnforcementLighting Utility DistrictLis PendensLis Pendens ReleaseLoan Modification = ModificationMaintenance AgreementMarriageMarriage ApplicationMarriage CertificateMemorandumMemorandum of Lease = LeaseMemorandum of UnderstandingMergerMineral ClaimMining ClaimMiscellaneous DocumentMitigation CreditsModificationContract ModificationCovenants, Conditions, & Restrictions ModificationLoan Modification = ModificationModification of Deed of Trust = ModificationMoratoriumMortgageMortgage ModificationMulti DocName ChangeNon-DisturbanceNoticeCompletion NoticeNotice of ContinuanceNotice of CureNotice of DefaultNotice of DiscontinuanceNotice of Discontinuance of Trustee's SaleNotice of ForeclosureNotice of Intent to ForfeitNotice of Intent to Forfeit AmendedNotice of Trustee's SaleNotice of Trustee's Sale AmendmentNuptial AgreementOpen SpaceOptionLease OptionOrderOrdinancePartial AssignmentUCC Partial AssignmentPartial Assignment of Deed of TrustPartial ReconveyancePartial ReleaseEasement Partial ReleasePower of Attorney Partial RevocationUCC Partial ReleasePartial SatisfactionFederal Tax Lien Partial SatisfactionPartial Satisfaction of Lien Support EnfPartnership AgreementPatentPayment of Inheritance TaxPermitPlatPlat AmendmentPower of AttorneyPower of Attorney Partial RevocationPower of Attorney RevocationProcess Server FeesProclamationPromissory NoteReconveyanceRedemptionRedemption ReleaseReimbursement ContractReimbursement Contract SatisfactionReinstatementReleaseCovenants, Conditions & Restrictions ReleaseEasement ReleaseFederal Tax Lien Revocation of ReleaseForest Land ReleaseLease ReleaseLis Pendens ReleaseRedemption ReleaseRelease of Attorney LienRelease of Inheritance TaxRelease of Lien BondRelinquishmentRemovalRemoval from Real PropertyRemoval of Condominium statusRequestRequest for Access/CopyRequest for Disclosure of DischargeRequest for Exemption from Public DisclosureRequest for NoticeRequest for ReconveyanceRescissionResignationResignation & AppointmentResignation of TrusteeResolutionRetentionRevocationCommunity Prop.