24 April 2020 | 27 replies
More than 2/3 of Americans believe we are in a recession or will be in recession in 2008:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB118600572789185278.htmlIt will be some time before it is "officially" declared but I'd say we are in it right now.

12 May 2008 | 4 replies
I replied to your other post on this topic.

8 January 2008 | 3 replies
I thought this article would be an interesting read for everyone . . . not very confident in a recovery anytime soon:Pain Street USA: '08 housing outlook

9 January 2008 | 15 replies
This is going a little off topic here, but I went to your website and see that you have a very nice looking business!

5 February 2008 | 12 replies
This is a great place to network and expert advice on several topics with your REI addiction.Look forward to seeing you around.

21 February 2008 | 14 replies
I want to start leaving letters at abandoned or empty homes in an attempt to reach home owners and I was wondering if anybody that had applied this strategy had an example letter of this sort..I was thinking to just write to call me in case they are willing to sell, but then again, without a properly written letter, this might backfire as people might not understand my intend.. so before I write one of my own, I was hoping to hear some suggestions , so please share if you know anything about this topic.

12 April 2008 | 12 replies
CondoVultures.com actually has some helpful articles on the site about the South Florida real estate market.

14 January 2008 | 2 replies
Check out the following link for an interesting article regarding the mule's role in the scam:http://suckerswanted.blogspot.com/2007/10/ashley-furniture-impostors.htmlBOTTOM LINE - Let's be careful out there...

14 January 2008 | 1 reply
Here's a new article from USA Today that I thought worth sharing:FBI: Housing scams more than doubleApparently foreclosure scams are really on the up and the FBI expects the trend to continue....Thoughts?