Renay Reese
Open Carry, Concealed carry or no carry while do business
19 November 2024 | 111 replies
I got a steel on a Glock 19 because an officer found that P11's took half a second off of draw time.Half a second doesn't sound like much but it could mean survival.
Adam Peralto
Atlas property not renting
26 October 2024 | 11 replies
Tenants, "go into Holiday-mode" and start spending disposable income (and racking up their credit cards) on Thanksgiving feasts & trips, Xmas presents & trips, and finally NYE plans.3) Income Tax Refund checks start being received towards the end of February and corresponding, the rental market starts picking up again as tenants payoff their “Holiday Hangovers".4) Spring Fever starts, sometime in April-May, causing both sales & rental markets to start picking up.
Kristen White
First timer - opinions requested
27 October 2024 | 3 replies
In these days and what my life has been I will not be able to repeat what they did and even survive.
Thomas Gagnon
Questions to ask potential section 8 Tenant
29 October 2024 | 10 replies
They are proud of what they have survived and they are committed to their children's education.
Tanya Maslach
Who buys homes through Auction?
22 October 2024 | 12 replies
Auction buying (real auctions, not sales disguised to look like it’s in auction mode) can be successful for investors who invest in multiple auctioned properties over time so that each property represents a small percentage of the overall portfolio of properties purchased at different auctions.
Jamie O'Connell
Section 8 - My Experience Two Years In
7 November 2024 | 45 replies
I have had to truly suck up my principal which has been hard and one day I might but starting out you know that it is just survival mode so you can afford to grow more and ten years in be able to be more picky if choose to change routes.
Mike Tikh
How to choose a location from the US?
2 December 2024 | 35 replies
Surviving the first few years is tough, but if you can figure out how to do that, you can have a 3-5% down payment (call it 15-25k) turn into 300-500k of appreciation over a 10-12 year period.
Anthony Vasquez
Coin laundromat owner willing to do seller financing !!!need help !!
22 October 2024 | 8 replies
So you need to lock in Low rent at or under $12/sq foot if you want to survive in the coin laundry world.
Phil Wrigley
Guesty / hostaway / hospitable?? Help!
8 November 2024 | 47 replies
The day we were set to switch over I was told with their direct API, VRBO no longer will process payment and for our business model I was not setting up 90 plus listing stripe accounts or doing the accounting for that process.
Katie Miller
If you use a CPA or Tax Professional, how did you find him or her?
2 December 2024 | 110 replies
Once I get better at purchasing and adding to my portfolio, I know I will have the knowledge to be able to survive without needing the benefits of cost segregation.