Derek Miller
To AirBNB or to sell?
6 October 2020 | 14 replies
For that, our favorite method of online shopping is Amazon Prime Now.
Alyssa Lukish
Airbnb/Short Term Rentals
22 May 2021 | 31 replies
You would be surprised how much online shopping your guests will do and being part of a community gives them a sense of security.As far as parking, my HOA is super strict, you can barely add a ring camera, which keeps the community very nice and clean but can be a pain sometimes.Building in a different area I haven't considered.
Steve K.
Disrupting the Rental Industry
12 November 2022 | 47 replies
Real estate is much too technical, and the human element is too critical for it to be reduced to an app or an online shopping cart with a checkout feature, IMHO.
Lesley Resnick
Will Covid kill Cash?
16 December 2020 | 61 replies
People who own clothing stores are now failing because of amazon and online shopping. if you are not adapting to the world around you, you will be left behind.
Wayne Lester
Material participation tests activities
14 March 2023 | 4 replies
Does online shopping for furnishings count, and how do I prove that one?
Kenneth Woodall
Renter Running Business From Home - Eviction
15 November 2021 | 2 replies
It's an online shop with inventory scattered everywhere.
Melissa Haworth
9 Fun Facts About Commercial Real Estate
14 June 2023 | 12 replies
In fact, the internet and the rise of online shopping have been a sustaining negative factor on commercial real estate.
Brandon Beller
CRE Ownership Drawbacks
11 July 2022 | 12 replies
What will happen to retail as online shopping continues to be faster, cheaper, and more convenient?
Frank Cole
How do you personally estimate your rehab costs?
18 January 2018 | 8 replies
I recently started making a list during a slow and careful walk through like others have suggested and then did some online shopping for prices.
John Vietmeyer
New Lifeproof Flooring
20 March 2019 | 15 replies
We also looked at Floor & Decor, Lumber Liquidators, and Lowes, as well as some online shops.