Emmanuel Wesley
Newbie here from Durant, Oklahoma!
21 February 2016 | 17 replies
Haha okay, me and my wife go up to OKC and Norman pretty often...almost every time I come home actually lol She just likes to get away from the apartment and Durant is a small town!
Angdronell Durant
I have a probate deal but I am stuck
8 December 2019 | 3 replies
@Angdronell Durant Finishing probate is the preferred way to handle the property of owner(s) who have died.
Account Closed
Tenant pregnant and wants baby daddy roommate.
14 April 2017 | 20 replies
. , @Richard Durant, @R J DrahcirSome of my BEST tenants have come to me under these circumstances - - and that's over 19yrs of Buy & Hold.
Angdronell Durant
Due Diligence (Houston)
7 June 2017 | 6 replies
Angdronell Durant just add "get preapproved by lender in front of step one to understand max purchase power.
Cary F.
Donald Trump & Real Estate Investing
30 January 2017 | 147 replies
I view this election like I view Kevin Durant leaving OKC to go to Golden State.
Financing Options on Potential Property
29 June 2017 | 10 replies
@Shone Durante I would like more info please
Antonio H.
17 October 2022 | 2 replies
DURANT OKLAHOMACLICK THE LINK https://app.rehabvaluator.com/hkhewg0b43806-H What made you interested in investing in this type of deal?
Jay Durant
2 family house one thermostat
28 April 2022 | 5 replies
@Jay Durant, I cannot speak for any local laws, but historically LL pays common items like that.
Jay Durant
2 family house one thermostat
25 April 2022 | 2 replies
@Jay Durant Have you checked to see how much it would cost to put in another thermostat in the other apartment?