Anthony P.
Advice on offers
10 May 2016 | 12 replies
Just start 10% below your strike price so you have some room to negotiateGood LuckGino
Huggy Baird
Sheriff sale auction purchase.. should I buy title insurance?
26 September 2016 | 21 replies
Lightning does not strike often.... so I'll take the chance i don't get struck on this oneThanks again for the well thought out responses
Account Closed
What separates good real estate agents from poor ones?
1 March 2017 | 34 replies
It is actually quite striking how poor the industry is in general.
Brian Kehoe
Anybody making money in Pennsylvania?
23 April 2019 | 8 replies
I would take a look at the above areas and see what strikes you.
Roy Mitle
Credit report for tenants - putting bad comments
28 February 2016 | 5 replies
I don't have a professional property management company - do everything myself but it strikes me as a difficult thing for an individual landlord to do?
Aaron Dixon
Tampa and Rising Sea Levels
15 July 2023 | 83 replies
Being based in Tampa, that's one of those variables I'd put in the "meteor strike" category.
Randy Thomason
Bird dogging is illegal in this state!
25 July 2019 | 17 replies
Maybe we strike up a relationship and make money together somehow in the future?
Jason Evans
Use all capital for real estate investing or save some for opportunity
15 January 2015 | 9 replies
So it is up to you to figure out your strike point .
Nathan Gesner
CDC Eviction Moratorium - USE THIS FORM
28 August 2021 | 122 replies
Warren BuffetThe trick is to see the opportunities and be poised to strike.
Andrew Neal
Anyone Buying Class-A Single Family Homes?
27 June 2019 | 91 replies
If they can keep striking while the iron is hot, they will continue to grow wealth at a fantastic rate.