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Construction Lending in Los Angeles
29 October 2015 | 6 replies
In LA you also need to have the landscape approved as well as getting gradient permits for retaining walls.On the documents you have, there should be phone numbers and names of City officers who are handling the case and you should be able to call them and speak to them.
Kyle W.
New Member in Ogden, UT
15 April 2018 | 12 replies
I'm in SLC and don't venture up to Ogden that much so I'm not familiar with the good areas, the bad areas, or the gradients between them.
Jesus Garcia
Feedback on Logo
29 June 2016 | 5 replies
The gradients won't work everywhere either, they're great on a computer screen, but printed out, or taken to a smaller size they start to loose the overall appeal and look of it. he colors look good, but as a previous commented said, this logo would look better to remove the background and remove the underline to allow the letters to float in the space.If it's possible, i would add a bit more design to this logo, incorporate some of the aspects of a house if possible, like a door or windows where a letter is, or where the stars are.
Annunciata R.
New Member from Los Angeles, California
2 April 2014 | 11 replies
The square footage is based on a number of factors the most important of which is the slope gradient.
Justin Silverio
Business Card - Please critique
21 July 2012 | 18 replies
Drop the Gradient, it weakens your logo. 3.