Help on closing the deal.
1 December 2006 | 7 replies
People are emotional creatures, and creating a soft fluffy environment where they feel safe and secure following you in this transaction is key.Some people's brains will work like yours and some will work the opposite of yours.
Euri Lorenzo
9 January 2014 | 14 replies
Another advantage, is that each room has it's own thermosat and you can reduce or turn off the heat in the rooms that you don't utilize and it some instances it provides better creature comfort as you can control the temperature in each room.
Corey Dutton
Whistleblowers Confirm Bank of America Still the Worst Bank
29 June 2013 | 28 replies
Corey: I suggest you read "The creature from Jekyll Island" about the creation of the Fed.
Geoffrey Murphy
"Rebuilding America" What would you do?
27 January 2012 | 15 replies
If you want to read a scary book check out "The Creature from Jekyl Island", about the formation of the Fed.
Chuck Mak
Cash Out Refi on Multifamily Properties
16 October 2014 | 11 replies
This could be a sticking point as well.Banks are conservative creatures, especially now.
Suzi Clue
World in Crisis??
21 November 2008 | 18 replies
I suggest you read The creature from Jekyll Island-- and you'll see how rigged the system is.
No Name
Democrats in Congress
4 September 2020 | 17 replies
I think everyone should have of copy of "The Creature from Jekyll Island" Although, since it is out of print (hmm), here the author lays it out nicely in this you tube series.
Richard Warren
The Obama Deception
18 March 2009 | 26 replies
Edward Griffin (Author - The Creature From Jekyll Island - written in the 90s) are the same: The ultimate goal of the real people in power is a one world fiat currency and one world power structure.
Meryl McElwain
Wholesaling-how exactly does it work?
8 January 2019 | 152 replies
So, before I address all of the points I read in this thread, can we agree on the following:- All properties in a given neighborhood will all have different market values,- The simplification of those values could be placed into the following three (3) categories; * AS-IS (No deferred maintenance has been addressed AND curb-appeal is seriously lacking) * Enhanced (all deferred maintenance has been addressed and some newer "creature comforts" installed) * Optimal (highest priced, highest and best use dwelling in the neighborhood)If you agree to these simplified characterization, then the following might be agreeable: @Randy Thomason - [Good and Bad Wholesaler, Double Closings]There are good and bad wholesalers, just like there are good and bad real estate agents and brokers.