11 July 2022 | 8 replies
You do not need anyones permission to double close.

10 July 2022 | 3 replies
The law requires you to give notice; it does not require you to get permission from the tenant.I am curious why the "building manager" is collecting five complaints before notifying you?

16 July 2022 | 7 replies
I would not text people before getting their permission personally.

12 July 2022 | 14 replies
And he stated that he needed my permission to charge for the 10 days, and would I give him permission?

14 July 2022 | 2 replies
Buyer agrees to give Seller one-thousand- dollar($1,000.00)credittowards needed servicesatSettlement.Additionalcostsabove and beyond thisamountforremedyoffaults,asdetermined byBuyerselectedthird-partyprofessional,shallbe deducted by Broker at time of Settlement from Paid From Seller's Funds unless agreed upon in writing bySellerand Buyer.11) ASSIGNMENT: Buyer has the rightto transfer or assign allof itsrights under this Agreement without writtenconsent of Seller.12)MARKETING:Buyermay marketthePropertyas"EorSalebyOwner"priortoSettlementDate.Uponexecution of this Agreement, Seller gives Buyer permission to market the property in the Multiple ListingService(MLS).13)RECORDING: ThisAgreementmay berecordedintheOfficeofRecorderofDeedsoranyotherofficeorplaceofpublicrecord.Ifa noticeofthisAgreement isrecorded,the Buyer may record a Noticeof Termination of said Agreement ifthe Seller defaults in the performance of the Seller's obligations and responsibilities herein and such termination shall be effective ifno legal proceeding isinstituted and lis pendensisfiledbytheSellerwithinthirty(30)daysofthedatesuch NoticeofTerminationwasrecorded

16 July 2022 | 6 replies
Even if they don't need access to the home, the tenant still has rights in Texas - they need to give permission.

22 July 2022 | 3 replies
I know a few people who have been hit with huge fines because of texting people w/o their permission.

30 April 2021 | 22 replies
They asked to put only 1 TV on the wall and we allowed, but without our permission they drilled holes in almost every wall in the house, put 2 more TVs up and hung all kinds of other stuff, except 1 bedroom, so 1 living room wall looks bad and 2 bedrooms have all walls altered, and patches are poorly sanded.

1 October 2021 | 10 replies
I'm no raging pro-business conservative by any means, but I can't believe they would do this to people who relied on the permission of the city council's ordinance to make sizable investments.