Adam Zach
How Many RE Investors are Engineers?
28 April 2022 | 684 replies
Currently a Broadcast Engineer primarily working in sports television but also do many entertainment shows.
Arjay Vergara
Me and My wife's first rental income check! Philadelphia PA
3 December 2017 | 59 replies
You will be loving life when fast forward 6 years you can attend every sporting event, school meeting, play, etc. because of the freedom your real estate provides.
Richard S.
Warzone experiences?
29 May 2012 | 32 replies
They key is to commit to the area and get to know the centers of influence in the area and that includes the local business owners, HS and youth sports coaches, political reps, pastors, non profit coordinators, housing authority case workers, and yes... the drug lords, pimps and OG's to a lesser degree.