Jody Young
From Western Kentucky and new to BP
27 March 2013 | 5 replies
Please consider adding a profile picture as well, it really helps enhance member interaction.P.S.
Andy DeFruscio
Investing with my Dad - Different Investing Time Lines
13 July 2014 | 8 replies
I don't over think it, just enjoy the enhanced father/son relationship.
Jennifer Wood
How to Cash Flow With Current Interest Rates
26 September 2023 | 11 replies
Just like how the ultra low rates have enabled "too many" people to become homeowners, its created this flood of investors who couldn't invest before to use enhanced cash flow to enable them to invest and attempt to scale.While I haven't read the book you cited, I'm guessing it started with appreciation for wealth generation, then you switch over to larger apartment buildings for cash flow for your retirement.
Account Closed
Exciting BiggerPockets Pro Membership Update!
10 November 2022 | 22 replies
- A dramatically enhanced Property Rehab Estimation Tool: Powered by Kukun, the tool allows you make very granular estimates for rehab, and spits out reports that provide a detailed breakdown of the project, including materials and estimated labor costs (we estimate costs conservatively - 90% of contractors will likely accept the bid and the report is exportable to PDF so you can hand it to your contractor as part of the contract!
Abigail Pressley
Starting out.
13 March 2015 | 3 replies
As Account Closed suggested books (BP has tons of the best suggestions) which will enhance your game.
Greg R.
Housing crash deniers ???
14 January 2023 | 2904 replies
So while we had all this death enhancing stuff going on, population grew, I think that's a hard to argue point that clearly U.S. population continues to expand.
Ozgur Laopanich
Insurance requirements for a house flipper
5 March 2021 | 2 replies
Usually you are only able to get a basic fire policy that has some extra enhancements.2).
Noah Bacon
What goals are you looking to accomplish by the end of 2023?
7 September 2023 | 26 replies
Through our deal machine outreach and traditional broker relationships, we are aiming to offer on $300M worth of deals in 2023, and through our enhanced capital raising efforts we are aiming to raise $10M in 2023.To date we have offered on about $36M worth of real estate, and have raised over $1M to acquire one asset.
Justin Nagy
Contacting an Owner About Selling?
4 September 2017 | 3 replies
@Jaysen Medhurst I have a decent grip on the numbers the unit is currently fully unoccupied. the top three units are three bedroom 2.5 baths with two that were renting at 1200 a month and the third has been re finished but they were using it as an air bnb so it could probably rent for around 1400-1500.
Brian Wingard
Brrrr refinancing not coming in as high as anticipated
29 August 2019 | 4 replies
Is this right because if so I have been spending way too much on enhancements.3 So now that I have a lot of my line of credit used because my appraisals did not come back as I needed them to be what path would you take to get back to paying down the line while still moving forward?