31 July 2017 | 3 replies
So if you were to add your mom to the deed now, you cannot mask the fact it was treated as a rental if you filed taxes as I described.

28 August 2017 | 7 replies
So... spoiler alert...this is a bit of a humble brag but I could use some advice too! The

5 March 2017 | 42 replies
Refinance: So consider your cash flow before going too high on LTV, but remember after you refinance and buy another property with the capital, you can use that property's rent money to help cover the previous property's debt service too. The

25 December 2016 | 44 replies
Not the weirdo's we see on TV LOLIn my mind houses like this one you did and or Hoarder houses are hands down some of the most profitable you can do as a flipper.... the one's I did this year were so bad you could not even walk in them without masks or bunny suites.. how the heck people live like this is just well its just so hard to process.... you have buyers find a spec of mold and freak out .. these people live in a petry dish and somehow survive..

16 April 2014 | 13 replies
Consider too the value of SF to the seller, avoiding gains on the sale deferring taxes over the term and obtaining a higher interest rate than they could invest elsewhere with similar risk along with the ability to sell part of that note for cash requirements, they can use that note as collateral and there are few annuity contracts they could ever get into that offered these benefits.

29 February 2012 | 65 replies
For example, do you tell your kids that Santa and the tooth-fairy exist?

12 January 2016 | 24 replies
I put masking paper on the base to direct moisture off the trim and onto the drop cloths.

19 November 2015 | 15 replies
Also, just because this townhouse appears to have issues doesnt mean the others will too. The

2 June 2013 | 13 replies
Hello Everyone I am back with tip number 2 Lazy land lord tips how to remove wall paper.Remember the lazy land lord wants to avoid doing work twice so getting it right the first time pays off in the end.I did an A/b comparison of a rented steamer specially made to remvove wall paper.and some simple stuff from the paint aisle in your local lowes or Home DepotI the Lazy Land lord vs my contractor who has over 20 years building houses, and doing renovations.What we found was that the steamer did not work as well as the chemical solutionbut that neither worked as well as when you combine both the solution and the steamer. so for best and quickest results combine the solution with the steamerbut for good results without the expense just get the solution and the wall paper removal toolstools needed mousy thingy 5.00stiff scraper 5.00pump sprayer 7.00go to your local super store and find the little gizmo that looks like a computer mouseinside it has little wheels with teethbuy a gallon of wall paper remover solution ask your paint rep what he or she recommends some work better than others and I am not here to endorse any one product but I must say the stuff I used worked excellently and my lowes rep said it was better than most.The goal with wall paper removal is to not make too many marks in the walls you dont want to damage the dry wall because second goal is you want the paper to come up in large sheets leaving little residue behindif you are not getting this result stop and rethink recheck and re attempt getting this right will help you in the long run(if you are only doing one small room no problem but if you are doing a living room you will want to get this procedure down a Lazy landlord does not want to come back and fix and fill all those holes.from using a tooth tool too aggressively nor do you want to rip pieces of paper leaving paper stuck to the wall which will need to be scraped,Lazy land lords hate scraping the steamer has a tool that if you press too hard will make holes in the wall the little mouse thinga ma jig does not have teeth long enough to puncture your drywallWou will want to get a sprayerI recommend a pump sprayer for two reasons one it sprays very far and one button push is all you need and it just keeps spraying who has time to keep pumping and squeezing the trigger of a conventional spray bottle.