Mindy Jensen
What is Your BEST Small-Living Hack?
29 August 2018 | 28 replies
I also like a lot of water sports like surfing, paddle boarding, diving, fishing, foraging, and motorcycle stuff.I can justify the expense because I call it a "business facility" and I always love going in there to organize and play with my toys or work on my ventures.
Andrew Cannon
Newbie in Oahu Hawaii
27 May 2018 | 18 replies
and if any of you like surfing I'm always down to paddle out!
Account Closed
Trade surfing lessons for long distance real estate lessons
15 May 2018 | 11 replies
Account Closed I'd be down to paddle out some time and chat about RE!
Marketing Efforts to get pre-foreclosures
3 November 2006 | 2 replies
Hello Phil,Makemoney and I are paddling in the same boat.I'm trying to find pre's in pennsylvania.Any info would be greatly appreciated.Thank You in advance
Lucas Gunderson
Questions for Starting New
16 March 2007 | 2 replies
We thought about the possibility of renting (it would be paid temporarily) while we tried to do a quick flip, but we realize we need more experience before we jump in the boat with no paddles.
Michelle Dixon
bid rigging
28 July 2014 | 20 replies
At one point I saw a gentleman who clearly knew them all tap one guy on the shoulder and told him to put his bidder paddle down.
Corben Briggs
Choosing an OOS Market
17 January 2019 | 18 replies
So just be sure you really have a handle on what you are doing...find some advisors and mentors who can help...so you don't end up floating down the river without a paddle (so tempted to make a Bird Box reference here... :) )
David Detweiler
Commercial property evaluation
31 August 2018 | 1 reply
It could come in higher but that would mean your rents might be too high then you would lose tenants and then you would be up a creek without a paddle.
Christian Mercado
Wanting to buy 1st apartment complex , important questions!
22 May 2019 | 8 replies
As soon as the market turns, you'll be up the creek without a paddle.