19 August 2023 | 1 reply
Tenants citied Florida statute 83.56 with a 7 day deadline but then intentionally impeded our ability to conduct the repairs in time.

23 August 2023 | 11 replies
The statute empowers the Court to consider the best interests of creditors as a reason for the appointment.

28 February 2019 | 17 replies
there is a federal statute that prohibits it.

31 December 2020 | 13 replies
Most places have this information available online, for instance usually the statutes and sometimes even specific landlord/tenant law guides published by the government.

18 August 2023 | 10 replies
Don’t make any assumptions about the COVID programs’, have your attorney look at it the statute in light of your particulars.

20 January 2014 | 17 replies
It states that all assets are capital assets except those listed in the statute itself.

24 August 2023 | 7 replies
While different states have different rules on redemptions and sale challenges, usually there seems to be some statute of limitations.

3 October 2018 | 4 replies
A good place to start would be: (1) check you written lease and (2) check California landlord & tenant statutes, regarding the rights and liabilities of a landlord when the tenant dies.

30 July 2020 | 17 replies
(a) Except in instances where statutes or regulations provide for a2 payment, fee or charge, no landlord, lessor, sub-lessor or grantor may3 demand any payment, fee, or charge for the processing, review or accept-4 ance of an application, or demand any other payment, fee or charge5 before or at the beginning of the tenancy, except background checks and6 credit checks as provided by paragraph (b) of this subdivision, provided7 that this subdivision shall not apply to entrance fees charged by8 continuing care retirement communities licensed pursuant to article9 forty-six or forty-six-A of the public health law, assisted living10 providers licensed pursuant to article forty-six-B of the public health11 law, adult care facilities licensed pursuant to article seven of the12 social services law, senior residential communities that have submitted13 an offering plan to the attorney general, or not-for-profit independent14 retirement communities that offer personal emergency response, house-15 keeping, transportation and meals to their residents.16 (b) A landlord, lessor, sub-lessor or grantor may charge a fee or fees17 to reimburse costs associated with conducting a background check and18 credit check, provided the cumulative fee or fees for such checks is no19 more than the actual cost of the background check and credit check or20 twenty dollars, whichever is less, and the landlord, lessor, sub-lessor21 or grantor shall waive the fee or fees if the potential tenant provides22 a copy of a background check or credit check conducted within the past23 thirty days.