Jiovani Motsebo Nengoue
new member for Richmond VA
18 November 2024 | 5 replies
If you want to connect and build relationships with local investors, going to real estate investor meetups in-person is the way to go.
Brandon Ortiz
How To Get Started | Bay Area
9 December 2024 | 9 replies
:Class A Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, 3-5 years for positive cashflow, but you get highest relative rent & value appreciation.Vacancy Est: Historically 10%, 5% the more recent norm.Tenant Pool: Majority will have FICO scores of 680+ (roughly 5% probability of default), zero evictions in last 7 years.Class B Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, decent amount of relative rent & value appreciation.Vacancy Est: Historically 10%, 5% should be applied only if proper research done to support.Tenant Pool: Majority will have FICO scores of 620-680 (around 10% probability of default), some blemishes, but should have no evictions in last 5 yearsClass C Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, high cashflow and at the lower end of relative rent & value appreciation.
Sanjay Bhagat
Track record of Syndicate
12 December 2024 | 18 replies
So even a sponsor saying historical 30% return may or may not be counting all their offerings nor has that been verified by a third party.
Sanjay Bhagat
Real estate syndication Vs S&P 500 index fund
12 December 2024 | 10 replies
S&P 500 index fund has given a historical AAR (Average Annual Return) of 10 % in the last 60 years and 14.5% AAR in the last 15 years as of today.
Jorge Abreu
💰 The Power of Long-Term Thinking & Creating Generational Wealth
26 November 2024 | 2 replies
By understanding historical patterns and market trends, we can navigate through down periods and position ourselves for growth.
Sebastian Tamburro
New Investor looking to break into the foreclosure market
2 December 2024 | 2 replies
:Class A Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, 3-5 years for positive cashflow, but you get highest relative rent & value appreciation.Vacancy Est: Historically 10%, 5% the more recent norm.Tenant Pool: Majority will have FICO scores of 680+ (roughly 5% probability of default), zero evictions in last 7 years.Class B Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, decent amount of relative rent & value appreciation.Vacancy Est: Historically 10%, 5% should be applied only if proper research done to support.Tenant Pool: Majority will have FICO scores of 620-680 (around 10% probability of default), some blemishes, but should have no evictions in last 5 yearsClass C Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, high cashflow and at the lower end of relative rent & value appreciation.
Reeves Bennett
How to Scale Multiple BRRRR Deals in a Year
13 December 2024 | 12 replies
It takes hustle, but once you’ve got the right mix of funding, project management, and lender relationships, it’s totally doable!
Kris Lou
Canadian Investing in Indianapolis
5 December 2024 | 4 replies
:Class A Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, 3-5 years for positive cashflow, but you get highest relative rent & value appreciation.Vacancy Est: Historically 10%, 5% the more recent norm.Tenant Pool: Majority will have FICO scores of 680+ (roughly 5% probability of default), zero evictions in last 7 years.Class B Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, decent amount of relative rent & value appreciation.Vacancy Est: Historically 10%, 5% should be applied only if proper research done to support.Tenant Pool: Majority will have FICO scores of 620-680 (around 10% probability of default), some blemishes, but should have no evictions in last 5 yearsClass C Properties:Cashflow vs Appreciation: Typically, high cashflow and at the lower end of relative rent & value appreciation.
Tim W.
Fire Damage Discovered During Inspection
7 December 2024 | 2 replies
I personally own/live in a historic home and I can promise you this: it will cost you more - a lot more - to renovate and maintain the property.
Jadan Williams
I need advise on what I should do with 200K
11 December 2024 | 7 replies
Also, you are not buying at a premium and can allow the property to appreciate if that said area is historically improving.