Lindsey Johnson
"Do not mail"?
5 April 2024 | 4 replies
If there really is a do not mail list can someone tell the grocery store I am on it so they stop stuffing my mailbox with 40-year old circulars on sales of ground beef?
Sebastian Bennett
Rad Diversified Feedback Request
29 March 2024 | 25 replies
I just opened their March 2023 circular available through their website and while the circular does not offer full addresses for all properties, I gravitated towards zip codes that I am personally active in within the Philadelphia market.
Daniel Ponsano
Let's try this again.
27 March 2024 | 7 replies
This is outlined in Title 18, Section 1725 of the United States Code, which states that any person who knowingly and willfully deposits any mailable matter such as statements of accounts, circulars, sale bills, or other like matter, on which no postage has been paid, into any letter box established, approved, or accepted by the Postal Service for the receipt or delivery of mail matter on any mail route with intent to avoid payment of lawful postage thereon, shall for each such offense be fined under this title.Violating this law can result in a fine for each piece of mail that is improperly deposited.
Joe Au
Use HELOC to paydown mortgage fast
20 March 2024 | 419 replies
But secondly, the reason the argument has been circular and non-productive is because of the detractors.
Steve K.
Due On Sale Clause About to Become More Common?
20 March 2024 | 181 replies
Probably not then the seller’s credit gets wrecked for 7 years and it’s a circular firing squad situation with no winners.
Joseph Romano
Pine Financial Group Fund V
7 January 2024 | 17 replies
@Joseph RomanoI looked them up as it tookSome digging because as a regulation a+ offering you are supposed to have a link to your offering circular on your website which they don’t haveBUT you are holding an 8% unsecured note where they could go get secured leverage and wipe you out.At 8% - yikes.
Henry Clark
Buono Giorno. REI
2 January 2024 | 2 replies
He plans to put a circular staircase inside the house so it is one house.
Svetlana Kazantseva
General Contractors refusing to quote without them buying materials
26 December 2023 | 132 replies
I saw one trying to cut with their circular saw blade on backwards at a property the other day, pretty hilarious and the homeowner was convinced they had hired a great handyman because he showed up on time and talked the talk a little bit.
Account Closed
Subject to paperwork
21 December 2023 | 37 replies
I’m not a negative person and I love creative strategies, but ever since all the shills began posting a bunch of BS comments on here, spamming the forums, I’ve been highly skeptical of the whole operation and now what I see is this all imploding in a legal mess/ circular firing squad at some point.
William R.
My first BRRRR
23 May 2017 | 20 replies
This floor would be much easier to take up with a circular saw.