Richard Hadley
Infinite Banking Concept
14 December 2022 | 79 replies
So if you believe that the stock market is a better investment and are more comfortable with it then go for it, but me I think it is a casino and the fundamentals are dead so I stay away.
Calvin Thomas
Grant Cardone / Cardone Capital
9 January 2023 | 170 replies
Real Estate is not supposed to be a casino.
Lesley Resnick
Bitcoin Bubble - Crash
15 July 2022 | 62 replies
Not to mention, with quantitative easing & the fed lowering interest rates, they're trillions of negative-yielding bonds worldwide as a result.
Phil Wells
Will people leave cities post COVID 19?
12 July 2020 | 196 replies
Strangely however no one is talking about the systematic devastation and migration that could emerge in cities and small towns with single economies like Casinos, Theme Parks, Tourism Resorts, Oil belt and College Towns.
Jordan Tinning
Best Cities in the Country for cashflow
29 February 2020 | 32 replies
The modern casino’s are also fun especially when you win.
Eddie Ziv
Appreciation VS. Cash flow - The clash of the titans....
15 June 2010 | 341 replies
I've got a lead on a bar right next to a casino I'm doing my due diligence on.
John Geldert
Looking for an accountant in LI/Queens
15 January 2015 | 1 reply
Many of us accountants have clients worldwide.
Drew Y.
Does the Warren Buffet method work in Real Estate?
9 June 2018 | 19 replies
A simple analogy is to the casino game of craps(which I don't play and I don't understand.)
Michael Bell
Las Vegas????
1 September 2023 | 48 replies
Las Vegas will be one of 11 data centers worldwide.
Mykhailo Strelchenko
House Hacking to financial independence
28 June 2023 | 10 replies
. - There are over 60,000 people employed by casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada. - We continue to get new developments by businesses other than the hospitality industry.Appreciation.