22 March 2012 | 22 replies
It's a pretty unique house and is zoned for offices as well, so I'm hoping the right live/work professional will come along and want it.

17 October 2011 | 4 replies
Every situation is different and should be looked at uniquely.

16 October 2011 | 11 replies
Then you have them with land and another whole situation.In your town deals will be somewhat unique to your area.

21 May 2015 | 62 replies
Or, if you want Siri to do it, add them to your contacts (with address) and give them unique names.SO you'd have a contact named "Home Depot 1" "Home Depot 2" etc. and tell Siri to remind you at Home Depot 1.Or a name like "Home Depot on Main Street" may work better.

19 February 2012 | 16 replies
Danny - Usually it is to get content onto more sites and make it look original or unique.

2 November 2011 | 24 replies
It just has to be something unique that identifies you.

26 November 2011 | 50 replies
So then a "unique selling proposition" would be for you to offer 2 years and beat the industry standard right??

18 November 2011 | 11 replies
Have a tenant that I filed eviction on.The county was backed up so took awhile on the writ.
Marshall is serving the eviction the 21st of November after 3 months from filing court date.
The woman became...

20 November 2011 | 12 replies
He's got a unique way of doing it.

20 December 2011 | 31 replies
I own the lower half of a two story property in upstate New York.
There are two separate deeds.
I'd like to sell my half, move away and get on with my life. The owner of the upstairs and h...