27 April 2016 | 10 replies
Fire can render a foundation unsuitable, so even a tear down and rebuild (on the existing foundation) may not be possible/practical.And as @Manolo D. referenced, smell abatement is very real and not to be taken lightly.

29 August 2017 | 17 replies
Our representative Lisa McCook was instrumental in getting our deal completed.

1 February 2016 | 47 replies
Does this not make the paper a security, and if so, are you not in violation of securities laws marketing a security instrument without an appropriate license...?

30 March 2021 | 322 replies
Example, If greece debt swaps are riskier this will be reflected in the instrument through a much higher fixed rate (all swaps are fixed for floating), similar to how a stock's price trades up or down based on the prospects of a company.

4 May 2016 | 16 replies
@Matt Geerts I believe someone can register an instrument against your property, for any amount, with your consent.

16 January 2018 | 18 replies
Tim was instrumental in our success.

13 August 2018 | 8 replies
Typically, if the instrument used to sell property was a warranty deed, special warranty, heirship, etc, then you may not run into many issues.

10 July 2018 | 47 replies
Buying property, enhancing it, and charging higher rent to reflect its greater value is not sleight of hand, it's creating something of tangible quality that market actors will pay a fair price for.The 08 crash was the product of a number of sources: originators willing to lend to anyone and re-sell terrible debt; I-bankers who repackaged that debt into CDOs that masked the worthlessness of the underlying debt instruments; financiers whose models relied on fundamental misunderstandings (independence of default) and mispredictions ("housing has never gone down so it never will!")

2 October 2019 | 170 replies
Nietzsche has been instrumental in my investing career.

14 August 2019 | 216 replies
(I)(1)The terms "real estate broker," "real estate salesperson," "foreign real estate dealer," and "foreign real estate salesperson" do not include a person, partnership, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation, or the regular employees thereof, who perform any of the acts or transactions specified or comprehended in division (A) of this section, whether or not for, or with the intention, in expectation, or upon the promise of receiving or collecting a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration:(a)With reference to real estate situated in this state owned by such person, partnership, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation, or acquired on its own account in the regular course of, or as an incident to the management of the property and the investment in it;(b)As receiver or trustee in bankruptcy, as guardian, executor, administrator, trustee, assignee, commissioner, or any person doing the things mentioned in this section, under authority or appointment of, or incident to a proceeding in, any court, or as a bona fide public officer, or as executor, trustee, or other bona fide fiduciary under any trust agreement, deed of trust, will, or other instrument that has been executed in good faith creating a like bona fide fiduciary obligation;(c)As a public officer while performing the officer's official duties;(d)As an attorney at law in the performance of the attorney's duties;(e)As a person who engages in the brokering of the sale of business assets, not including the sale, lease, exchange, or assignment of any interest in real estate;(f)As a person who engages in the sale of manufactured homes as defined in division (C)(4) of section 3781.06 of the Revised Code, or of mobile homes as defined in division (O) of section 4501.01 of the Revised Code, provided the sale does not include the negotiation, sale, lease, exchange, or assignment of any interest in real estate;(g)As a person who engages in the sale of commercial real estate pursuant to the requirements of section 4735.022 of the Revised Code;(h)As an oil and gas land professional in the performance of the oil and gas land professional's duties, provided the oil and gas land professional is not engaged in the purchase or sale of a fee simple absolute interest in oil and gas or other real estate and the oil and gas land professional complies with division (A) of section 4735.023 of the Revised Code;(i)As an oil and gas land professional employed by the person, partnership, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation for which the oil and gas land professional is performing the oil and gas land professional's duties.(2)A person, partnership, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or corporation exempt under division (I)(1)(a) of this section shall be limited by the legal interest in the real estate held by that person or entity to performing any of the acts or transactions specified in or comprehended by division (A) of this section.