8 July 2014 | 70 replies
In this job I have traveled all over the world and worked for many major companies doing everything from product shoots and trade shows to executive shoots for magazine covers.

31 August 2012 | 6 replies
I've been quoted in newspapers, written a magazine article, co-hosted an investment radio show, spoke on expert panels at investment conferences, and my company quoted in the Wall Street Journal, all for publicity.
25 July 2017 | 162 replies
Those are entertainment magazines that tend to sensationalize the housing crunch here.

4 June 2018 | 137 replies
go to the book store or library and grab the franchisor magazine most active franchises are offered there.Merry maids...

14 September 2020 | 27 replies
I hate people saying “there should be a rule or a regulation about that...” but if I saw that comment Written in a financial magazine or on a real estate investment website I would sure get the impression that the “experts” were telling me I should sell if I own any and I definitely shouldn’t be buying.

2 May 2017 | 197 replies
I'd have been better off never having read Money magazine.

7 August 2020 | 55 replies
Such factors left central banks with no option other than intervening, he said, speaking in his capacity as chairman of the global Financial Stability Board.https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/07/coronavirus-banks-collapse/612247/https://www.greenwichtime.com/business/article/A-new-credit-bubble-gets-ready-to-burst-13911193.phpWhat comes next, dollar becomes so devalued that it triggers the great reset and crypto based economy. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-22/did-imf-reveal-cryptocurrency-new-world-order-end-gamehttps://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2018/06/pdf/fd0618.pdfhttps://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/bank-england-governor-signals-central-bank-digital-currency-coming

24 May 2019 | 116 replies
Here is county growth data: https://www.businessinsider.com/fastest-growing-and-shrinking-counties-in-america-2019-4Another look at census data: https://census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/visualizations/2019/comm/percent-pop-change-metro-micro.jpgPeople fleeing NY: https://www.newyorkupstate.com/western-ny/2019/04/census-new-yorkers-still-fleeing-state-population-decline-spreads-to-nyc-area.html43% of CA voters say they can't afford to live there: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/08/43-percent-of-california-residents-say-they-cant-afford-to-live-there.htmlNext up, US population dispurses to Suburbs, rural areas and "middle of country" metros: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2018/03/26/us-population-disperses-to-suburbs-exurbs-rural-areas-and-middle-of-the-country-metros/Here is actual flow map of migration patterns in the US based on census: https://flowsmapper.geo.census.gov/map.htmlCheers!

9 December 2019 | 36 replies
I'm doing a lot of reading and listening to podcasts to learn, but I would like to connect with other New Yorkers who invest in real estate.

14 March 2015 | 4 replies
Are there any magazines that rehabbers use?