http://www.mccompanies.com/Anyone have any experience with this syndication company?

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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.Hi fellow investors, I am thinking of purchasing 2 properties side by side, both duplexes. They need upg...

Hi all! I'm evaluating a potential BRRRR property that I would likely purchase with 5% down and owner-occupy for however long necessary to complete repairs, etc. I would certainly get more accurate estimates on the re...

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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.

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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.
I just want to know if my analysis is accurate or if I’m way off. I’ve alre...

I am strongly considering investing into private notes with Aloha Capital. Has anyone worked with them before? If so, how was your experience.
Thank you,