Nathan Asher Robson
Buying rental properties in the Dominican Republic. Worth it?
24 January 2023 | 44 replies
(This is media Sensationalism) and also take into consideration people go nuts with all-inclusive, 24/ 7 open bar and 24/7 Buffet.
J. Martin
Santa Cruz Land & Lots - Knowledge, agents, comments wanted!
28 February 2016 | 7 replies
Part of the challenge with looking for a bargain is that it's opportunitistically time sensative.
Jay Hinrichs
for all you who think the bay area is going to crash read this.
29 February 2020 | 66 replies
In 2017 and 2018 there were sensational articles about the exodus of folks leaving the Bay Area.
Will Barnard
The Truth about Wholesaling!
6 July 2022 | 911 replies
So many kids out of college are getting so full of it with sensational catchy hogwash that I guess they think dazzels us into thinking they really have something....pure BS.