12 September 2024 | 27 replies
Only attorneys are allowed to represent corporations and LLCs in Florida.Going to be very interesting to watch these cases move forward.

11 September 2024 | 18 replies
I'm in the same situation but the building department won't tell me anything, they basically said you have to do the application and we will approve or deny you.

13 September 2024 | 50 replies
When they watch you get your hands dirty, you earn their respect and move on from being faceless, out of state dumb money that they can nickel and dime to death at every turn.

9 September 2024 | 12 replies
The storm water collection is based on the size of the parcel with some relief given if there’s storm water management systems on site (usually only applicable for larger sites where developments were required to implement such systems).

10 September 2024 | 6 replies
A ttiel company will prepare lots of other documents to sign at closing and usually there will be an application and an appraisal.

10 September 2024 | 8 replies
Second, communicate with your tenants and handle the problems as fast as possible so you can go back to watching Banaza or whatever leisurely activity you are doing.

10 September 2024 | 19 replies
(B) The accessory dwelling unit was built on or after January 1, 2020, in a local jurisdiction that, at the time the accessory dwelling unit was built, had a noncompliant accessory dwelling unit ordinance, but the ordinance is compliant at the time the request is made.(2) The owner of an accessory dwelling unit that receives a notice to correct violations or abate nuisances as described in paragraph (1) may, in the form and manner prescribed by the enforcement agency, submit an application to the enforcement agency requesting that enforcement of the violation be delayed for five years on the basis that correcting the violation is not necessary to protect health and safety.(3) The enforcement agency shall grant an application described in paragraph (2) if the enforcement determines that correcting the violation is not necessary to protect health and safety.

9 September 2024 | 5 replies
@Amby BhagtaniAnalyzing a market Sperling’s Best Placeshttp://www.bestplaces.net/School Diggerhttps://www.schooldigger.com/State & Localhttps://www.statelocalgov.net/GeoMetrxhttps://geometrx.com/Social Explorerhttps://www.socialexplorer.com/Justice Maphttps://justicemap.org/Google Earth / Google Maps / Street ViewFree Map Tools – Elevation Finderhttps://www.freemaptools.com/elevation-finder.htmCensushttps://www.census.gov/https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/ahs.htmlhttps://data.census.gov/https://censusreporter.org/https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045221City-datahttp://www.city-data.com/Socialexplorerhttp://www.socialexplorer.com/Costarhttp://www.costar.com/Colliershttp://www.colliers.com/en-us/usDepartment of Numbershttps://www.deptofnumbers.com/Data USAhttps://datausa.io/Bureau of Economic Analysishttps://www.bea.gov/https://www.bea.gov/itable/Bureau of Labor Statisticshttps://www.bls.gov/St Louis Fedhttps://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/Zumperhttps://www.zumper.com/NMHChttps://www.nmhc.org/research-insight/quick-facts-figures/Apartment Listhttps://www.apartmentlist.com/research/category/data-rent-estimatesStats Americahttps://www.statsamerica.org/town/Reventurehttps://map.reventure.app/dashboardSafety/Crime StatisticsSpotcrimehttps://spotcrime.com/ Family Watch Doghttp://www.familywatchdog.us/Neighborhood Scouthttps://www.neighborhoodscout.com/City Protecthttps://cityprotect.com/ Crime Mappinghttps://www.crimemapping.com/ Walkability Walk Scorehttps://www.walkscore.com/Checking RentsRentometerhttps://www.rentometer.com/Apartsments.comhttp://www.apartments.com/Apartment Guidehttp://www.apartmentguide.com/Craigslisthttps://www.craigslist.org/about/sitesZillowhttps://www.zillow.com/

10 September 2024 | 43 replies
I've gone from talking to most applicants to pre screening and talking to 5 percent.

4 September 2024 | 9 replies
Wondering how others do the application process.