3 April 2019 | 36 replies
Nobody's dependent on your paycheck, so nobody but you gets hurt if you step in front of a bus.
19 May 2010 | 3 replies
Use the "report abuse" button in the lower right corner of the post to bring them to our attention.

13 June 2009 | 2 replies
Have you attended any Substance Abuse program networking events in our area?

20 June 2009 | 54 replies
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.Thomas Jefferson - The Declaration of Independence

17 December 2017 | 42 replies
One of our friends even trains abused pit bulls in shelters so they will be more adoptable.

28 June 2009 | 25 replies
WMD's..ooops that failed..theen U.S. officials accused Saddam of harboring Al-Qaeda...no supporting evidence was ever found for that either, theen...they included Iraqs financial support for Palestinian suicide bombers...Iraqi human rights abuses...and then finally when all the other excuses had failed the Oil reserves was the last one.

3 June 2010 | 39 replies
While "Guru" should have a positive connotation - the term has been repeatedly abused, and now it carries a negative tone...

28 January 2010 | 28 replies
I really don't care about his sexual preference or personal business but when a man cannot admit a mistake, I loose all the respect I have.

31 July 2009 | 12 replies
Other than 20 minute scalding showers, there seems to be less opportunity to abuse strictly HW, no??

25 July 2009 | 18 replies
The law is very clear about what is considered discrimination: I believe it is race, gender, sexual orientating and age.