19 August 2022 | 5 replies
But, depending on the property you’re buying, you may not need to review every single one of these (this is where a real estate agent or broker can be helpful as well):Population and job growthHousehold median income trendsAccess to public transportation and amenitiesNeighborhood and school rankingsUnemployment rateCrime rateBusiness openings and closingsNew development activity that could help or harm your intended investmentProperty value trendsFair market rent trendsPercentage of renter-occupied householdsMarket vacancy trendsGross rent collectedMaintenance and repair expensesUtility expensesProperty management, leasing, and advertising feesInsurance expense including past insurance claims, need for flood insurance, and the cost of homeowners and landlord insuranceProperty taxes and potential increase due to change in ownershipProof that any sales tax collected on rent has been remitted and is up to datePhysical property inspections including structural and mechanical, wood-destroying organisms, radon, and lead-based paintTitle commitment on the property and legal descriptionMost recent ALTA (American Land Title Association) surveyZoning or use certificate for property in rural or unincorporated areasNew survey, septic report, and well water report for rural propertiesPhase I environmental report for property near industrial areasHOA covenants, conditions, and restrictionsHOA financial reports including P&L and balance sheetReview of seller financial statements including a copy of the seller’s tax return to verify income and expenses are true as reported to the IRS going back two or three yearsReview of tenant file including the lease terms and conditions, deposit amount, tenant application, and background and credit checksCopies of existing service contracts such as landscaper or current property managerList of all outstanding invoice and proof of payment for all work recently doneLien search to verify there are no existing worker’s liensHistory of insurance claims on the property going back three yearsVerification that property appraisal is for at least the contract purchase price if not moreCompare your pre-offer pro forma analysis to the seller’s reports to make sure the deal still makes sense.Good Luck!

13 December 2021 | 0 replies
Should we get an environmental inspection done?

28 December 2021 | 6 replies
Avoid any property that used to be a gas station or a dry cleaner (on-site cleaning), because mortgage lenders are likely to turndown these loan applications due to environmental issues.

21 December 2021 | 10 replies
They do it partially for cost savings, but also as part of their environmental impact statement.

22 December 2021 | 1 reply
Important to test for any environmental contamination (lead and Asbestos) for older properties.

5 January 2022 | 20 replies
You may also to be able to go after damages like environmental damage, rehabilitation of the property, etc.

7 September 2022 | 1 reply
The link below that is a list of Youtube videos to help with the portal if you have any questions or issues.https://aca-prod.accela.com/DETROIT/Default.aspxhttps://detroitmi.gov/departments/buildings-safety-engineering-and-environmental-department/bseed-divisions/plan-review/accela-electronic-licensing-and-permits-system-elapsSelect a third-party company to come out and inspect the property.

24 September 2022 | 4 replies
In Ri both State DEpt of environmental management and the town have a say.

20 October 2022 | 2 replies
Environmental risks: weather/soil.

7 November 2022 | 78 replies
I'm pretty sure the 8.1 endorsement is for mortgagee policies only and indemnifies against loss related to environmental (superfund) liens which have been recorded in the public records.