25 March 2024 | 3 replies
Get renters out of single family home neighborhoods that are meant for homeowners and back in to large apartment buildings owned by the aforementioned largest landlords.

26 March 2024 | 15 replies
(The tax has been deferred, not eliminated.)Some people have been know to avoid this by...Dying while still owning the last property (capital gains and depreciation recapture go away.)Moving in to the last property as their primary AFTER it no longer functions as a rental.
25 March 2024 | 2 replies
Getting large quick doesn't mean you can stay large.Regarding their historical returns, everything they sold was before interest rates started rising, so their claim of "$0 investment lost" may be more a function of timing than skill.I'm mostly curious about their massive 544-unit which was bought at about the worst possible time.

26 March 2024 | 18 replies
We have 18 fortune 500 companies in the metro and the number 1 largest private company in the United States.

25 March 2024 | 0 replies
Smaller industrial properties have maintainedimpressive occupancy rates and rising rents for several years, and in recentmonths they have increasingly stood out as one of the best-performingcategories of commercial real estate.To learn which U.S. markets have the most acuteshortages of smaller industrial space, CoStar ranked the 60 largest U.S.markets based on the composite scores of three criteria: current availabilityrates for industrial buildings smaller than 50,000 square feet; the mediannumber of months on the market of 10,000-25,000-square-foot industrial spacesleased in the past 12 months; and the median number of months on the market ofindustrial spaces smaller than 10,000 square feet leased in the past 12 months.

25 March 2024 | 0 replies
A diverse set of locales comprise the 20 markets withthe highest availability rates and leasing times for small industrial spaces.The four largest Texas markets, Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and SanAntonio, all rank in this group.However, most of these 20 markets with higheravailability rates and longer leasing timelines than most locales still havelimited inventories of small industrial spaces available for lease.

26 March 2024 | 6 replies
Meaning: if the business can function without you doing it, IT DOES NOT COUNT!

25 March 2024 | 2 replies
The next day its largest investor AMC Investments raised the possibility of its own capital raiseto cover Tides’ contractor payments30.

26 March 2024 | 11 replies
DSTs function as investment vehicles that hold ownership of income-generating properties, granting investors fractional ownership in various types of commercial real estate such as apartments, self-storage facilities, build-for-rent properties, and NNN (triple net lease) properties.

25 March 2024 | 9 replies
We can get a second home without putting anything down (VA loan), move into the school district we want and a much nicer home for our growing family:Current home (want to rent this out):One of the largest lots in the area 1/100 lots in an area with 1000's of properties that has navigable water which is our water, at 2.75%, 280k remaining $1650/month, rents $3000 mom will be lending 25k over 5 years at $500/mo payments, and we will use a property manager $300/mo = rental take home of $550/mo incomenew home (hypothetical estimates):$550k @ 7%, paying ~$3300/moWe will have a period of 9 months starting Dec 2024 where we would be at about -$100 where our older daughter goes to pre-k for $1150/mo and infant is in daycare for $1650/mo.