Oscka Flocka
first time landlord!
15 April 2015 | 4 replies
For tenants that are in place and who are paying and not causing problems or damage, I suggest you make a gentle transition, so you don't lose them.
Joel G.
Hello from SF Bay Area....
2 May 2015 | 38 replies
Stable, gentle renters are a commodity that should be valued at all cost in this game...and your insight on the subject has already got me thinking about our property in Las Vegas as UNLV has recently received approval to move out north of the city...right around the corner from our house!!
Andy Sturm
Sub metering multis and tenants pay their own water
27 May 2015 | 5 replies
Some of them need to be gently educated that you won't cry if they leave.And I wouldn't worry about her suing or anything, until/if/when that ever happened.
Carly M.
PM ordered $3k of yard work w/o my knowledge.
2 October 2018 | 109 replies
" :) But a gentle reminder of what you would be forced to do isn't out of order I think.
Justin Egge
Dryer Replacement: Front or Top-Load?
1 February 2018 | 10 replies
Gently used off Kijiji or Craigslist or whatever the local second hand site is.
Jessie Nunley
Negative Nancy Naysayer Family Members
19 June 2017 | 122 replies
So I find ways to gently work my real estate activities into casual conversation, without beating anyone over the head with it.
Erin Spradlin
Do you generally like your tenants?
23 February 2020 | 34 replies
Dennis is a big romance novel buff.
Eric Ippolito
Landlords, rental appliances?
23 August 2019 | 13 replies
Then look online for a gently used one.
Nicole Heasley Beitenman
I need a new car but don't want more debt. What should I do?
9 October 2019 | 145 replies
This thread has convinced me that gently-used or almost-new is not the way to go!
Babek Sandhar
Corona will have heavy impact on economy and lead to foreclosures
2 April 2020 | 61 replies
I understand the concern, and will gently mention that there is always recourse if the tenant just so happens to flake out on their rent because of the messaging from the government.