Hello! I wanted to introduce myself to the Des Moines area crowd. My name is Chris Goehring, and I'm getting into real estate more each week. I wish I had started here with Bigger Pockets first, because it would've ma...

Hey BP,I’m a current RE agent in the Raleigh/Durham area. Looking buy my first investment property in the next 6 months to a year so I’ve been reading as many books as possible and listening to a ton of podcasts. Woul...

I'm finally a member of Bigger Pockets. I'm glad to be part of the community. I was born and currently reside in Greenville, NC. I have worked as a Chemical Processor for the past 7 years. Recently, I graduated from E...

Hello Everyone!Been on BP for around 1 &1/2 Years now and basically used it for the tools (which are awesome), to help with acquiring RE and considering deals. I have one project under my belt with a small Multifa...