3 February 2014 | 25 replies
And the both of u should your own separate entities.

16 February 2018 | 26 replies
Spoke down to those attending, if u did not bring marker-highlighter-calculator-snacks- Why would you come unprepared-Do you go to work unprepared What ??

4 February 2014 | 9 replies
for a newbie ..the best property is the one that you can access as many times as possible before you close. having the property under contract and "acting" as an owner, contractors will talk to you ..you can get bids, quotes, do inspections, termite letters, radon tests, mold test, etc ...imagine bringing army of inspectors when an owner still lives there ..not possible. you control purchase price ...so make sure you factor all things you need to change, add, update into ur costs ...u need to discover as much stuff as possible. once u do 10 flips ..probably short 10 minute walk will be enough to get u rough idea ..but by that time ...inspect, inspect, inspect

31 January 2014 | 14 replies
Seems so simple, I have the cash to buy the gutted, and like u said I would own it.

13 May 2008 | 40 replies
Cause you wouldn't want to know u screwed up later.

16 February 2012 | 110 replies
One day I'm guaranteed I have the rights to sell notes for Chase the next they never had it in their contract to sell the mortgage notes...Investor SUES U MAKE ZERO NADA ZILCH...SHE'S NOT WORTH LOSING YOUR JOB OVER!

21 July 2011 | 22 replies
H U D will determine that the seven unit limit is inapplicable only if: (1) the investor will own no more than 10 percent of the housing units (regardless of financing type) in the designated redevelopment area or sub-area; and (2) the investor has no more than eight units on adjacent lots.Interest Rate and Discount Points These are not regulated and are negotiable between the borrower and the lender.

21 April 2008 | 15 replies
It is absolutely huge and stretched out (as opposed to being in a U shape) would easily take up half a block.

3 April 2008 | 0 replies
Has anyone ever ordered and read this book??
"How To Become an REO Power Lister"
If so, was it worth the $65?
4 April 2008 | 1 reply
[size=24]This is a MUST see.....[/size]
We saw what happened to bear and this is a TELL TALE sign of things to come with Lehman and who know who else...
I was e-mailed this by a close Wall Street buddy that has a ma...