13 October 2019 | 3 replies
BrianNothing prevents tenant from running the water, kicking holes in walls and door, or other vandalism.However, these things seldom happen as retribution.More likely, a tenant fills up an inflatable pool every other day in the summer, or fails to report that the kitchen drain is leaking, or that the boyfriend beats her up every weekend and busting up the place, or that tenant lets a dog do his business on the carpet, or overflows the tub because they fell asleep.While a good tenant will agree to a fair water policy; the court will typically throw out the policy in an eviction.Keep in mind that you can get a leak notification from water department via “clear-reads” through the mycleveland water website.Usually bad tenants are multi-dimensional... they tend to follow a pattern... low credit score, extension criminal background hits such as driving with suspended license, expired plates, drugs, panning the rent late, refusing to pay the water, violating trash pickup guidelines, police calls by the neighbors, no-show for service calls, removing smoke retractor batteries for the kids toys, not replacing burned out lightbulbs, not taking care of the yard (in a single family”, busting blinds and screens, etc.

1 June 2022 | 92 replies
They will likely list all of their expenses (ie: prescription drugs, phone bills, etc), and also inform you they are on a fixed income-- when you tell them it's going up.

1 December 2018 | 7 replies
I also get a few rentals by doing the pre-employment drug screening for the contractors to get plant access.I've been doing this for 7 years.

16 May 2016 | 1 reply
All of these may not be triggers for you and me but it may be triggers for other investors.The strategy you had in place is not working -triggerThere were additional costs that the previous owner did not reveal to you -triggerIf you got ripped off by people -triggerIf you partnered with someone and you do not get along or can't agree on nothing - triggerOne of the big employers in the area filed bankruptcy -triggerOne of the big employers in the area decides to move to another city or state -triggerhome owners association is similar to Hitler's gestapo -triggertenants association is unreasonable and troublesomeIf you see another deal that you like better -triggeryou feel the market is going to change -triggerIf the weather changes and suddenly you find that your area is not the same ie drought or flood or mud slide -trigger Insurance increases because of weather change -triggerfound out that the land is contaminated - triggeryou are tired of dealing with the property -triggertenants not paying rent -triggeryou took on more than you can handle -triggerproperty taxes went up -triggergangs in the neighborhood -triggerfamily issues change your priority and you simply cant handle it no more -triggeryour tax abatement has expired - triggertransportation has discontinued in the area -triggerlegislation to put in a new transportation station has been vetoed or approved -triggerthe team (ex contractors, project managers, etc) you tried to put together doesn't work out- triggerillegal activity found on the premises -triggertenants tell you place is haunted and you know someone died on property -triggerdemonic neighborsabundance of pests -triggersink hole formed - triggercess pool discovered -triggerwater contaminationpopulation changeschools accredation changesschools shut downtenants or their family starts shooting at each other or youwrong type of business sets up shop near your property, or they are too close or your comfort. ie gas station or drug dealer or prostitution or cemetery or factorywhatever does not float your boat -trigger

11 January 2022 | 39 replies
More money=more drugs=more crime

12 December 2017 | 31 replies
Vandals had broken into the house over the years and used it as a drug den.

3 February 2017 | 6 replies
There is a lot of crime and drug problems especially near S 38th St and along S.

10 August 2018 | 114 replies
Volvo shared the patent for the three attachment point seatbelt, drugs are often not marked up to insane prices in other countries.

10 March 2019 | 10 replies
People get turned off by that. and of course like anywhere there is drug problems .. you will see that..

21 August 2019 | 6 replies
I'm a strong believer that between basic security measures, common sense, and not involved with any drugs or gang activity, you'll have no problem staying safe.