23 October 2024 | 28 replies
They prevent bedbugs from entering or escaping mattresses.Routine Inspections: Regularly check mattresses, bed frames, and furniture for signs of bedbugs (small black spots, eggs, or live bugs).Furniture Choice: Choose furniture with metal or plastic legs instead of wood, as bedbugs are less likely to infest non-porous surfaces.Bedbug Traps: Place bedbug traps under bedposts and other furniture legs to catch any potential bedbugs before they become a problem.Professional Cleaning: Schedule routine deep cleans between guest stays, and if you ever suspect bedbugs, hire a pest control professional immediately.Clear Guidelines: Educate your cleaning staff on how to spot bedbugs early, and encourage them to report any signs immediately.These steps will help you set up a smooth, well-managed STR that’s ready to generate revenue while maintaining a good relationship with your LTR tenants.

24 October 2024 | 139 replies
And I'd bet your 'Contractor' is not licensed or is not very good compared to typical standards...But good luck....

22 October 2024 | 14 replies
Yes, I think that will be the best bet.

21 October 2024 | 11 replies
Gino not passive investor per se but I have made a few small bets..

24 October 2024 | 27 replies
Jesus only mentioned tithing to illustrate how hypocritical the Pharisees were but you can bet most preachers won’t preach it that way .just like when you hear of the parable of the “ widows mite” preachers are quick to say it’s an example how we should do sacrificial giving down to the penny like the old widow did when it was actually when understood in context as another example of Christ calling out the Pharisees and how they extort people !

20 October 2024 | 8 replies
This can be very expensive and is usually the worst choice because you can't justify the cost.2.

20 October 2024 | 3 replies
As mentioned, your best bet is to get an adjuster to try to assist on working with you to maximize the amount received.

21 October 2024 | 176 replies
If I were a betting man, I'd say there is a good change that the Midwest will outperform FL next year.
21 October 2024 | 4 replies
Furthermore, this rule may be disregarded as investors become more creative.For instance, if investors intend to buy and make a long-term hold play, betting on appreciation, they may be able to afford to pay more.