Ben Stout
What's your secret weapon? Do you put something special in your houses?
13 November 2012 | 17 replies
They have 2cm thick granite for ridiculously cheap.
Jeff S.
Old timer investors. Are you going to be one?
15 January 2013 | 47 replies
When I was in the Air Force a Colonel I worked for would always say "I respect someone who knows when it is time to move on", and I agree.
Jamal Harb
Cross Border Taxation for Canadian
22 January 2013 | 6 replies
They said Canadian accountants charge ridiculous rates to do US accounting.
Dan Beaulieu
35K Profit on my first flip! Before and After pics!
9 May 2017 | 240 replies
Escalation clauses are an awesome tool in a ridiculously hot market- The numbers still worked for me at 370k.
Jarrett T.
How Many of you Honestly Started with no Capital?
8 June 2017 | 26 replies
Everybody and their brother's cousin is a flipper and the money being thrown around is ridiculous.
Mark I.
Are there lenders with super low minimum borrowing amounts? <$20k
10 June 2017 | 18 replies
Credit card.Even if you found a lender to do it, flat closing costs would be a ridiculous % of loan amount.A flat $1500 origination fee is mathematically identical to 30 points upfront on a $5k loan.
Account Closed
Any investors live in a Tiny House?
25 February 2021 | 35 replies
One of my office staff workers and I had this discussion a few months ago - she, like I, grew up ridiculously poor, and essentially read my mind - mostly people who come from a very comfortable upbringing would think this is quaint.
Jay Lalik
Buying Slums - Fixing them up?
21 July 2017 | 6 replies
I was shopping 4-plexes I found on the MLS and I came across a ridiculous place in my area (in West Valley, Utah) I need to do some research, but this area had 7 or 8 brick 4 plexes (I didn't stick around too long as I left my 9mm at home).I was thinking about contacting the local mayor to see if there is a way to "force" a sale or "force" changes in property management in areas that are simply unacceptable and in violation of city codes.
Eric DeVito
Best place to buy a large apartment building?
22 May 2017 | 35 replies
Chris Martin Telling the guy to only invest local is ridiculous.
Erik Haugen
Ethical dilemma around kicking tenants out
25 September 2017 | 73 replies
I can see both sides.There is a 4-ples I've been discussing with the owner, but she bought it in 1978, it's been paid off for decades, and she can afford to keep rents ridiculously low.