Alan Asriants
What styles should I use in my renovations? PLEASE STOP USING GRAY!
2 August 2024 | 27 replies
Most house flippers will refrain from coming up with eccentric or special color palettes just to appeal to the 1 or 2 buyers out there that may like their color choices.
Ian Ray
"Shipping Container" construction as a Model
6 September 2016 | 13 replies
So you wonder why you don't see more shipping container construction besides the high-end, one-off eccentric luxury home construction models and the rag tag cabins.
Amiris Brown
REO: how do I negotiate
27 December 2016 | 33 replies
Its uniqueness didn't bother my fiancé or I as we are eccentric artists and the secluded wooded location was perfect for us given our personal preferences about noise issues.
Tris Wils
How to find a renter for a 9000 sqft home
30 May 2019 | 7 replies
If so, that thing is eccentric to say the least.
Patrick Chiles
Are you willing to help the homeless?
9 April 2022 | 84 replies
It's not my business model, but having anyone live outdoors like an animal in the USA when they hand out Section-8 to illegals upon arrival is a hard pill to swallow.They need to sort the homeless into short term vs. forever types.Steer the help to the short-term helpable when they need it, and publicly house the "more eccentric" types out in the county away from civilization.Maybe have a poor farm where they can plant gardens to feed themselves if they are able...something to keep them busy.It would give all of them someplace to live indoors at least.This street begging/tents on sidewalks thing is Un-American.Just my 2 cents
Jack Paine
Newbie from the Uk, seeking advice!
11 January 2015 | 3 replies
Their first purchase became the base for a pyramid of properties bought by constantly remortgaging and using equity from rising values to put down a deposit on yet another house.Their wealth ballooned to more than £100m but apart from a £2m-plus home outside Maidstone and eccentric Burberry suits, their main extravagance was a much derided stable of racehorses.Wilson readily admits that his property empire is heavily mortgaged, but says the loans work out at 61% of the value of the properties.
Brandon Turner
Have you read the Book on Flipping Houses? (Looking for Reviews)
26 October 2013 | 6 replies
I've done a lot of deals and hopefully will do a lot more as I go and where I find this book most useful is when I need a reality check and a sane voice amid the chaos of rehabbing properties, especially when I have to deal with the egos and eccentrics!
Joe Assad
How to Identify the Next Hot Neighborhood
30 September 2016 | 0 replies
These bohemian types have a keen eye for finding eccentric, up and coming areas that are often much more affordable than surrounding areas.
Richard F.
The Tenant from H E double hockey stick...
1 July 2007 | 1 reply
I show the property to an individual that, while somewhat eccentric, seemed "normal" (whatever that is!)