Pet insurance probably isn’t a top priority for you right now. Your budget might have health, car, and home insurance, but pet insurance? Is it really worth the cost? Today we talk to David, an engineer and part-time ...
On last week’s episode, we talked to Dan Sullivan, author of Who Not How. This week, we’re joined by his co-author, Benjamin Hardy. Benjamin has spent the last few years getting his PhD in organizational psychology, w...
[NOTE: Since this episode was recorded, some events have changed. We have updated the intro to the episode and the lead-in to our conversation with Jeff Watson to reflect those developments]
Inflation is big, scary...
Have you ever had analysis paralysis? Maybe you have it right now and that’s why you’re listening to this episode! Kyle and Lauren Clugston would call that “productive procrastination”, and the only way to get out of ...
Should you pay off debt or invest? Many online financial gurus would tell you in a heartbeat that paying off debt is the number one priority…but is that always true? What if there was a way to pay off debt WHILE inves...
The 2024 housing market isn’t turning out how most of us thought. At the beginning of the year, real estate investors were hopeful that mortgage rates would fall, affordability would return, and home prices would have...
When it comes to pulling the trigger on a rental property, what we have is a "paradox of choice." So. Many. Options. It's easy to suffer from Fear of Missing Out, and it's even easier to get overwhelmed by the vast ar...
Hiring a property manager can be one of the best or worst decisions in your real estate investing career. The right property manager can give you the time to scale your portfolio to new heights, all while increasing t...