Want to know how to make millions WITHOUT owning real estate? Rental arbitrage is the strategy for you. And maybe you’ve heard about it before, but we promise you’ve never heard anything like this. Today’s guest is br...
After a strong case of “mommy guilt” working as an assistant principal, pregnant with her second child, Deba Douglas knew she needed a way out of the rat race. A run-in with Rich Dad Poor Dad prompted her to begin sav...
What if you could not only replace but make MUCH more than your W2 salary with real estate investing? Now, imagine you could do it all in just two years. Sounds impossible, right? Today’s guest did precisely that, wit...
Can you invest in real estate with just $75,000? And not only invest but can you find cash-flowing rentals in solid markets with long-term profit potential without spending six figures? Yes, to both. Today, we’re prov...
While short-term rentals are seeing slowing demand, mid-term rentals are taking off (and fast). Mid-term rentals, also called medium-term rentals or MTRs, are thirty-day or longer stays, usually for traveling professi...
Why does this veteran real estate investor say that early retirement and financial freedom are a bad idea? Why does he think renting, NOT buying a house, makes more sense for most Americans in 2025? And what’s the one...
Imagine making $1,500,000 on one regular real estate deal. We’re not talking about a huge apartment complex or commercial real estate investment. $1,500,000 on a single-family home purchase. How is that even possible?...
Do you want to break into the short-term rental space? It’s not as simple as picking a popular market, buying a rental property, and listing it online. To have a successful Airbnb business, there are three crucial ste...
Last week, Brandon and David sat down to talk about the “Core 4” of any successful real estate team. Now they’re here to talk about the “Divided 5-ed”, a term they coined to describe the five team members you’ll need ...
With 2024 right around the corner, it’s time for a final year-end tax planning push! There are all kinds of ways to pay less to the IRS, and today’s guest is here to help you save as much money as possible!