Snowbird season is coming to THESE real estate markets. Every winter, millions of freezing northerners go south, seeking a temporary escape from the cold and to dethaw themselves before returning in spring. And while ...
Investing for cash flow or equity is an age-old debate, but what’s the best approach for a new investor? Should you focus on making a monthly profit right off the bat or play the long game with equity growth and appre...
How much should your down payment for investment property be? Should you increase your down payment to maximize cash flow, or does putting all your financial eggs in one basket limit your ability to build and scale yo...
Many people invest for appreciation. Others invest for tax benefits. But some investors want enough monthly cash flow to replace their W2 income and help them quit their nine-to-five jobs. When can you go full-time wi...
Redfin just released their highly-anticipated 2025 housing market forecast, and today, we’re reacting to each of their ten crucial housing market predictions. We’re touching on the exact numbers you want to hear about...
Are you looking to grow your real estate portfolio and build wealth faster? There’s a tax “loophole” that allows you to sell your property and roll your equity (and profits) into a bigger and better rental property—al...
Welcome to the 2025 housing market! It’s a new year, and if you’re ready to invest more, get closer to financial independence, or finally find and buy your first home, we’re here to help.
We’ve got BIG plans for 20...
Does your rental property have negative cash flow? This doesn’t necessarily mean you bought a bad deal, though losing money probably isn’t what you signed up for. But not to worry—in today’s episode, we’ll share a few...
You can put a dollar number on the losses Spencer Cornelia took on his first two long-distance flips... but it's hard to quantify the value of the lessons he learned and is now passing on to you.
We noticed Spencer...
Real estate flipper, broker, contractor, and more!
Today’s guest, Jared Holland, is doing 30 deals a year and profiting from all different phases of a flip-and he shares exactly how he does it! Today’s show gets in...