This eighteen and twenty-two year old are on track to reach financial freedom by the age of thirty. And if you think that you can’t make big money moves because you don’t have the experience, resources, or income to b...
Did you know that a certain shade of paint can help you sell your home for more? Or that one type of countertop could cause buyers to get into a bidding war over your house? What about the one inexpensive outdoor impr...
Want to know how to travel for FREE in 2024 and 2025? We’re about to introduce you to the magical world of travel hacking. Never heard of it before? You’re about to have your mind blown. Travel hacking is one of the b...
Want to be a millionaire or build a business that brings in seven figures? Want generational wealth and to be debt-free? Want to know that you have enough money to take big risks while still keeping your bank account ...
Trying to investing in real estate while holding a full time job is tough - but trying to flip houses can be even tougher. From dealing with contractors to finding money to getting the deals in the first place - flipp...
Welcome to the BiggerPockets Podcast show 200! We wanted to create a show that we could point people to in the future as an ultimate resource for building their real estate investment business. If you are new, this wi...
Real estate investors love to talk about their successes, but most refuse to talk about their failed deals. On today’s show, we hit both of those points hard when we sit down with Sam Craven to talk about how his whol...
Everybody is busy. We have jobs, kids, businesses, and responsibilities to take care of. Why go out of your way and risk your money and time to invest in real estate? Mike Webb, firefighter, investor, flipper, and who...
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we have Phillip Vincent, an acquisition specialist who hails from the St. Louis, Missouri area. Phillip is part of a large real estate investment firm, handling all th...
In today's episode we open up the phone lines again to field your real estate investing questions... and for an added twist, we bring in the familiar voice of author, BiggerPockets Business Podcast host, and house fli...