What makes a good real estate market? A stable or growing population, large employers nearby, tourism, and, as a bonus, college-educated residents. Put those all together, and you’ve just stumbled upon your next great...
These personal finance apps, tools, products, and habits helped us reach financial independence, and they can do the same for you. If you’re on the road to FIRE or have finally made it to financial freedom, ANY of the...
Moving is hard. But could relocating to a low-cost-of-living area help you lead a more fulfilling life and achieve financial freedom? As today’s guest came to find out, the benefits of living in an affordable area oft...
The hardest part of real estate investing is, of course, getting started. Once you have your first rental property, it’s much easier to scale your real estate portfolio than you might think—even if you don’t have much...
Knowing how to get a mortgage is a crucial step in your journey to buy a rental property. Of course, the money side of things can be intimidating. How do you find a lender? What type of mortgage do you need? When shou...
If you follow these nine steps, you will reach financial independence. How do we know? Well, The Money Guy Show’s Brian Preston and Bo Hanson have tested it hundreds of times! Using this simple but extremely powerful ...
Has the Federal Reserve gone too far? Many Americans are critical of the Fed’s move to raise interest rates sharply, pause for years, and then slowly start implementing rate cuts. The arguably most prominent critic of...
First-time home buyer? After this episode, you’ll see the house-hunting process in an entirely new light. Throw out the granite countertops and exposed beams you’ve always dreamed of because making an emotion-first ho...
Will the housing market crash? If you’re like most Americans, the economy is starting to feel a bit unsettling. But, with so many homeowners locked into low mortgage rates or owning their homes outright, is there even...
If you haven’t started your retirement planning yet, you’re not out of luck. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, or sixties, there’s still time to get enough into your accounts so you can walk...