Want a better rental property loan? You’ve probably tried talking to banks, brokers, and residential lenders about growing your real estate portfolio, only for them to hit back with W2, income, and credit score requir...
You’ve built a sizable rental property portfolio; now, it’s time to relax. You book a trip to the beach, get on your swimsuit, and are about to head out the door, but then, your tenant calls you. “The toilet is leakin...
Lamon Woods used an ingenious rental property strategy to go from one house to over one hundred rentals in a small market without using almost any cash. This strategy is so brilliant that most real estate investors as...
Real estate investing in 2024 isn’t as easy as a few years ago. When interest rates are low, housing inventory is high, the economy is booming, and everyone’s happy, real estate investors can take considerably more ri...
Achieving your FI number in just four years? If you want to do it too, you must try something different. This couple found a niche within a niche, allowing them to hit the coveted “1% rule” in real estate, skyrocketin...
Starting your first or next business? This episode is for you. Today, we’re bringing you everything you need to know about small business taxes for beginners. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur, partner, landlord, hou...
Every real estate investor knows that things don’t always go as well as we’d like. What happens when you’re hit with a $16,000 bill to fix a sewer, or when 20 of your tenants call you all at once with problems? Some t...